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Friday 8 May 2015

Update on This Week!

Hubby is doing well after having 2 large holes drilled into his lower jaw on Monday.
It went well and he is healing nicely.

This is Ben the same day as his surgery!
Yep, I was surprised too!
He looked great and he is doing great!

He loved getting a stuffed doggie, sticker books and balloons!

And this was his very first time doing legos!
He completed it that evening and amazed me!
I guess we will be getting him more legos!
Our big boys loved them when they were little, too!

We came home the next day- Tuesday and he took it all apart and put it together again with Sam!
Very much a bonding moment for these two!

And then everyone got in on the lego action!

The next morning we went to the play
"The True Story of the Three Little Pigs"
as told by A. Wolf!

It was great!
We read the book to prepare everyone and then we talked about it afterwards to connect all the dots.
They loved it!
I loved it!

Ben is walking a little slower after his surgery so Anna stayed back to help him!
She thinks Ben is a very nice brother!

I was amazed with how well he is doing!

And here she helped him into the van.
I love how they care for and support each other!

The children love having a big supportive family.

We got the results to Madeline's Neuro Psych eval.
Once again, it was very very very helpful!
Our little girl has an average IQ BUT her verbal apraxia is getting in the way of her ability to learn English and her letters and sounds.
It's going to be very challenging teaching her… thankfully she has become a very joyful child and pleasant to be with! So this Momma loves spending time with her! Her smile brightens my day!

When she first came home with so many ailments she was a bit pouty and ornery but with each repair we are seeing her blossom!
She came home with-
an ear infection(pus leaking out of her ear), bronchitis and 8 cavities (some resulting in crowns, fillings and extractions).
It was soon discovered that she was in need of speech and a diagnosis of verbal apraxia come along.
Then we found out she had latent TB and needed to be on medication for 9 months (done!).
Then an eye exam showed that she needed patching, glasses and cataract surgery.

 Tonsils and adenoids came out in early spring
After that was a bout of pneumonia…

Learning disabilities/challenges were suspected and confirmed.

And now the hole in her ear will be patched!
Yes, we are excited for her to be done with all of this and to be perfectly healthy in her own special way!

Thank goodness this dear child came home!
Thank goodness they ALL came home!

If the seed of adoption has been planted in your heart- go with it- it is the most miraculous experience…
These children need families, they need someone to help make them "all better".

Tomorrow is the big day! 
It is "kind of" a big surgery because they need to flap her ear over in order to get to the large hole in her eardrum. She should come home the same day but will have limited activity for 6 weeks. We can't bump that ear or get it wet.

Daddy will be taking her in for the surgery. They have to arrive by 6:00am and it will start at 7:30 am CST. It is scheduled to take 2.5 (two point five) hours. Please keep her in your prayers!

This weekend we all may have to stay in our jammies with Madeline and rest!