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Thursday 28 May 2015

A Soggy Spring and A Slip and Fall!

All the children were playing outside on a beautiful spring day!

They had a couple frogs they were playing with named 
"Mr. Jumps a Lot and Dash (because he was so quick)!

Mia brought Luke inside to tell me something.
I could see he was a bit dirty and sad but
it wasn't until he turned around that I completely understood.

My first reaction was of complete surprise and then I had to step back and remember what another bloggy, adoptive, Jesus loving, homeschooling Momma(Adeye) said,

"When things like this happen, always go for the camera first!

I am still learning…
even at my age!

After the pics he went straight into the shower and the mud just poured off of him!
He was so happy to be clean and I got a ton of
"I love you Mom"!

Such a sweet boy!