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Saturday 16 May 2015

Momma, I Was In Your Tummy? Right?

Yesterday Anna asked me-
"Momma, I was the only one that was in your tummy? Right?"

Hubby looked at Johnny and said "Cute"!

Johnny responded, "No, it's sad." 
He has really developed a tender heart for his new sibs. He is especially close to Anna since she has been home the longest. I think he just can't imagine what it would feel like to not know who your birth Momma is. This is something that most international adoptees have to deal with all their lives.  Adoption has made a mark on all our older children. Who knows what they will choose as the get older but the hearts have been forever changed by this journey.

Anna has been home the longest. She has no memories of China except what we tell her. She is the only one that does not understand the Chinese chatter that goes on around here.

Sometimes I think she doesn't see herself as Chinese.
When we were in China with her- she was described as a banana- yellow on the outside and white on the inside. She refuses to use squatty potties and she does not like rice.

We have told her many times that another Mommy carried her in her tummy but I carried her in my heart and as soon as we saw her picture we grabbed her referral- she was ours from that moment on! And she was meant to be our little girl forever!

She has seen 5 siblings come home, so THEY are most certainly adopted but she'd not so sure she was...

She is such a sweety and we are so thankful that she is ours!

Someday in the future we will have to have that conversation again but for now I think we are just going to enjoy each other!