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Wednesday 27 May 2015

The Intruders!

The other day I was in the kitchen. The girls were at the counter having lunch and I heard someone come in through the mudroom, but who could it be? Everyone else was where they were supposed to be?
Guess who learned how to open the gate and then brought her younger sister with her? Yep, the red head! The blonde... she's just along for the ride!

The next day we were running errands and came home to you know who on the other side of the gate. She was caught red handed with a pair of dirty socks in her mouth, I might add!

Yes, it's true our dogs live a dogs life. No eating off the tables, no comfy Mommy and Daddy beds at night, no drinking out of the toilet bowl... it is what it is, they know nothing more and they are happy.

Well at least I thought they were happy, until they started breaking into the house, eating off the counter, stealing dirty socks and underwear- maybe I don't know what dog happy is?