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Wednesday 20 May 2015

Finally… Spring has Sprung!

Our first beautiful day on a weekend!

So we went to the zoo!
and headed straight to the farm area!
Why, you ask?
Well, we kinda want a farm!?

we(I) want to figure out if we love the farm idea more than we love the farm reality!

Decided not to try to pet this big boy!
I think it was a good choice ;-)

Next up was the goats!
Our Auntie Kathy told us- you do not want goats…
she passed away before we could ask her, "why"?
Can someone tell me why do people have goats on their farm?
Goat milk?

They seemed friendly enough but they were eager to eat anything in their site!
Including nibbling on the children's shirts!

The kids, I mean my kids got a kick outta this guy!
He was smiling the whole time and showing his teeth!

Luke loved the floppy ears on this little goat!

And Joey is experiencing so many "first" in his life!
He is amazed by everything!

This is Rosie- such a beautiful calf!
Love those eyes!
We met her Momma Mary in the barn!

Then we met the pigs- very cute!
And a little stinky ;-)

The hen house!
ours would be a little smaller… okay, a lot smaller ;-)

We love our Sunday morning eggs!
Maybe we could get them from our own chicken coop?

Most likely I am dreaming and this won't actually happen!

But, it's still fun!

Figuring in the end… God will save me from myself ;-)

 The children were soooo cute and all wanted their pics taken- oh my, they are such blessings!

there was a baby chick cracking through her shell!
So, of course, everyone wanted to see!

Except Joey and Luke!
Because they have better things to do!

I know, not my best effort at photography!
But still amazing!

Everyone had a partner and it worked out great!

They all go with the flow!
They all love it when we do field trips as a family! 

Just a bonus as we were leaving the zoo!

The tigers came out of hiding and were roaming around!

They are beyond beautiful!
God definitely out did himself once again!

I guess he was thirsty!

We love how they help each other out!
Thank you Ava!

Such amazing blessings on such a beautiful day!