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Monday 11 May 2015

Why Are We Adopting Again?

It's a very good question!

I am guessing a few people have wondered that...

Most likely I will not give a response that would satisfy everyone.

I could say that things are going so well that we feel like we can adopt again...
But does that mean we will adopt until they don't go well and then the whole family will fall apart?
No, it doesn't mean that...

I could say that we love children and that is obviously true but everyone who loves children does not adopt... or continue to adopt.

We have been asked "How do you differ from an orphanage?"
(that was in China).

We are completely different-
We are two parents that actually parent our children.
One home with everyone in it,
full time!
We have a sitter sometimes- 
for many of our medical appts, Wednesday afternoons (my time) and when we need to travel.
Faith in God, prayer, thankful hearts, love and laughter are the weapons of choice in our family!

For whatever answer we give there could be a "not so positive" counter response.

It is impossible for us to truly explain and try to have everyone understand that what we are doing is what we (hubby and I) were meant to do...

I remember when I was a child saying-
Why am I here God?
What is my purpose?

And then 40 years later at one of our children's graduation the Bishop said-
If your passion is consistent with God's will-
then pursue it! 

WE BELIEVE that our passion is constant with God's will for us.
We believe that God is calling us to care for his children.
We believe that serving HIM in this manor is what HE desires of us.

It is something WE CAN DO!

Others are called to live in a foreign country and serve there. 

If I moved to another country to serve God... I'd be moving without my husband. He is a wonderful guy BUT that is where he draws the line.
I deeply admire the families that do this...

Some are called to preach to the people and share the good news of Jesus Christ.
That is not my strength. I believe in HIM, I love HIM but words often fail me.

Our family is beyond being different... 
We know that most people will not be happy for us but will instead question our decision, our sanity, our motives, our ability to raise so many, our finances, or whatever else they can find to question.

To us...
that doesn't matter.
To us,
 it doesn't matter if we have
 6, 8, 10, 12, adopted children
it does matter to that child... to the children...

To the one that has no parents, no home, no family, no Jesus, no love and no one that really cares about them...

And then we can go on and include, no medical care, very little nutritious food, no dental care, no education...

To us our children are like flowers blossoming.

It is and continues to be a miracle that is happening right before our very eyes and right in our very own home.
Everyday we are blessed by these children.

I wouldn't want to miss this for ANYTHING!

Not for any vacations, any luxuries we may otherwise have had, any coffee parties or any evenings out with who's who and what's what... 

This is exactly where God wants us and this is where we want to be...

with HIS children!

(Okay... sometimes hubby wants to be on the golf course- so we make sure he goes out and golfs with the older boys!)

What we are doing is what we were called to do...
In our minds everything about it is 

right and good.

Thank you JESUS!