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Saturday 30 May 2015

Beyond Excited!

Okay, Okay- I give up! I guess it's time! (besides I need those purging tips!)

We are beyond excited for our new addition!

It has already been an amazing journey- one that only God could orchestrate!

It took us completely by surprise but once HE spoke we new he was ours! Without a doubt he was our son!

It began in late November 2009. I was blog hopping and stumbled on a pic of an adorable little guy who would be coming up for adoption in the near future. We were in process for Emma and Ellie so I was not necessarily look for a child to adopt. I was just browsing blogs...


Then I heard God speak...

It took me completely by surprise!

God said


I immediately answered back-

"What? Really? Your kidding me?"
"But God he is so young and well, we are not!"
"But God, hubby is thinking of adopting only girls?"
"This is not what we had planned?"

I knew after I said the last sentence how silly it sounded. "not what we had planned" like that even matters!

I had goosebumps from head to toe as I stared at this picture of this adorable little one yr old boy!

Hubby was just coming home from work and he looked at me- I must have had a silly smile on my face because he said "What happened?"

I looked at him and said "You won't believe it!"

We got dinner for the kids and sat down to talk. I was so excited to tell him that I had heard God speak and what He had said but at the same time I did not know how hubby would react. After all he had previously said no boys and no one younger than Anna (2006). This precious treasure was 2.5 yrs younger than Anna.

Of course, I was still smiling, bursting at the seams and in near disbelief at what had just happened!

I told him the whole story and without hesitation he said "YES". Now mind you, I have no idea what we were saying yes to- we had no referral, no information, no nothing- BUT we had Gods words! So I guess we were saying YES- to GOD!!

In the following months we tried to find out as much info as we could but it still wasn't much to go on and there was no referral available so we prayed and put our trust in God.

The process continued with Emma and Ellie and in July they came home! Still there was no referral and no new info on this little guy. Knowing that we are on the road to aging out of China adoption, we made the decision to bring home Sam and Ava. We felt nudged by God to continue our pace and get "our children" home.

I was concerned... had we gone against God's word? Were we testing God? Nothing good can come from that... We prayed that if doors opened we would move through them and if this was not his will he would close them. Our desire is to serve HIM and HIM only. (we often fall short but we continue to try)

As we proceeded with Sam and Ava's adoption and we continued to pray and pray for the little guy God had spoken to us about. 

The wait for him seemed endless and we often wondered - did we misunderstand, did we already miss him, why wasn't his referral showing up- anywhere??

I have heard God speak before, I was certain of what I heard and down deep our trust was completely with HIM. No matter what was going to happened we knew HE was in control.

Just as we were about to bring our 2 treasures home the referral came. Our agency had been searching for it and they found it!! Truly we were singing praises to our Lord! 

It brought me to my knees. The words that He spoke in November of 2009 were coming true in March of 2011!

I was speechless and every time I opened my mouth I felt like I was going to burst into tears- tears of joy! 

I wanted to share it with everyone but the time was not right. We needed to get our children home from China and start the new process for our little boy!

There are so many things that have happened already in this little guys life that have been miracles. Many of you already know his story. You have prayed and fasted for him. I will be sharing them with you in future posts.

Here is the picture that I was looking at when I heard God speak!

When I look at this precious child I feel my heart swell!
We cannot wait to get him home!!
I want to fall to my knees in gratitude to our Dear LORD!

This little treasure is number #12
We are waiting for our PA for #13.