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Thursday 28 May 2015

Conquering the Beast!

The beast, my friends are the seasonal clothes...

This is a mere fraction of the clothes we have to go through...

Hubby walked upstairs,
He took one look at all the piles,
and said...
"now this is the dark side of adoption..."
"God Bless you honey!"

He asked if there was anything he could do to help?

"Just make a walkway dear!"

With 6 girls and 2 boys there are so many clothes to go through...

four seasons

8 growing children


There is not enough room in the closets to keep all the clothes in there.

So I have to put the off season clothes in boxes under the beds or down in the storage room.

I need to do this twice a year...

Does anyone have any better ideas on how to handle this?

We did find 3 boxes of clothes downstairs for Ava!
She was thrilled and the others were a bit jealous.
She got 5 semi new jammies, endless skirts and tops and enough shorts to last her through the summer!
In fact now she has more summer clothes than there are summer days in MN!

Next year Anna and Abby will have plenty to wear!

And so will...

Oh, I think I will stop there!
