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Wednesday 13 May 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

I love this holiday!
I can't help myself!
These sweet dear children are such a blessing!

Hubby and I visited over coffee this morning. The children had a light breakfast and then we-

We went out for brunch! 
Our favorite BKF restaurant is one mile from our home! It was 2 miles but they just relocated!

 (I wanted to make it easy for hubby and well, for me too!!)

The kids were so cute! They were so excited about this day!
They wished me Happy Mothers Day every 2 minutes... 

Yesterday they went shopping with Dad and loved every minute of it!
Ellie ended up getting stitches. 
She fell off her scooter and had a one inch slice underneath her chin.
The stitches went well- she was such a trooper!

These were my only two big kids in town!
Johnny joined us for brunch and Billy joined us for present opening and visiting at home.
(Yes, he is shaving tomorrow!)

Matt, Katie(& Andrew) and Mark called.

I am so thankful for ALL our children!
Each one is so unique and special!

By the end of the day I had been wished Happy Mother's Day 998,765 times...

So, I'm good until next year!


Hoping YOU had a wonderful Mother's Day!