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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Mother's Day With Many!

It was a wonderful day!
And so good to have so many of us together!

We are trying to group holidays and birthdays together and planned to have this day be BEN's birthday celebration, too. 
However, he is so aware that this was Mother's Day and he was so happy about it- he wished me Happy Mother's Day about every 10 minutes- so sweet.
Feeling blessed to be his Momma
along with all the other treasures who also wished me Happy Mothers Day every 15 minutes!

Ben knows his birthday is in two more days and not today so we decided that we would keep his day on his actual day.
Chuck E Cheese- here we come!

The children went shopping with Daddy yesterday!
I wanted cookie sheets and that's what I got!
The nifty nice ones and no I can throw away the old and icky ones!

The children also had fun picking out candles in the glass jar so we can have spring and summer scents throughout the house!

This was from Mark!
Thanks Honey!

The children loved making me little cards and pictures!
The front and the side of the refrigerator is filled with their artwork!

We also celebrated Mark!
He just heard that he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship!
Congratulations Mark!
It looks like he will be going to Fiji this fall instead of Iowa!
How quickly plans can change.

Madeline is healing nicely and her pain level is very manageable!
I was a little surprised when I took off the bandages and saw they shaved some of her hair off.
Oh well… it will grow back!

We used to have a hoop like this when the bigs were little!
They all love playing on it!

Yes- it is lowered!
Johnny has the hops(good vertical jump) BUT not that much!

Now Sammy is dunking with the help of his big brother!

We all went out for dinner. 
Felt a little cooped up lately with all the medical stuff.

It was good to get out of the house and for us(the parents) to not have to cook!

We are such a large family we don't get to go here very often anymore.
It's one of our favorite places!
The chefs are very entertaining!

We took up two hibachi tables!

We are keeping this little girl very close so her ear does not get bumped.
Anna also wants to be close to us too!
Maybe she has an ounce of jealousy? But, I'm not sayin!
And she likes to take care of anyone who is hurt or ill - maybe she'll be a nurse or a doctor someday?
She just told me, "No, I want to be a scientist like Mark!"
Okay honey, whatever!

As far as flowers…
I scored!
It was a great Mother's Day!