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Wednesday 20 May 2015

A Comedy of Errors!

Today was interesting!

Hubby was not in town- so no back up!

We had a busy afternoon and a tight schedule!

Six children and their Momma went to Anna's preschool program (BTW our 5 in the audience did great! and so did Anna!) But when it came time for treats afterwards... well lets just say their plates were loaded and... well, I hope your weren't behind us... and hungry... because we cleaned house!

Then home for 30 minutes and off to swimming lessons! For the first time I had them put on their swim suits at home... therefore we forgot Anna's underwear... she was wearing a dress for the pre K program... enuf said!

Then I forgot all of the karate uniforms... BUT JOhnny was home and he brought them to us! yay!

But we forgot the bags of protective equipment and a shirt to wear underneath- bummer...

After swimming the girls got dressed...

We are working on modesty! So Ellie was dressing in the shower area... then she rested her hand on the shower handle and accidentally turned it ... on!

ah huh!

So now her underwear was wet... yep... enuf said...
so she put on her karate outfit and off we went to karate graduation.

Have I mentioned it was shower time for Sam so he had a special scent all his own (colostomy bag type scent ;-)

Off we went, missing underwear, underclothes, without equipment and smelling lovely!

They graduated to their GREEN belt, even without the right equipment while trying to keep their karate uniforms closed - way to go girls! YOU ROCK!

WE went all out and had McD's for dinner!

Yes, it was quite a day!!

Still chuckling! There is NEVER a dull moment around here!

And now I am just adding some swingset pics in... for the fun of it! Of course, they had to show Johnny their new swingset!