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Tuesday 12 May 2015

HaPpY MoThErS dAy To YoU!

We had a wonderful day!

In fact, even the doggies had a wonderful day!

They are much better off since we have brought home so many doggy lovers!

Sometimes I feel like we have a pet therapy class going on right in our own home!

Our usual church time is Saturday evening and Sunday is normally a family day.
Half of the invited guests were in the pj's and the half ready for the day!

We did a morning brunch at home and then a few gifts!

Katie, Andrew, Matt and Caitlin called and texted!

It is so wonderful to be with these children!
Each and everyone of them, is such a blessing!

We had homemade gifts and store bought gifts!
In fact I think the littles did a bit of re gifting ;-) !!

We spent the day at home for some "family time" and then went to Johnny's soccer scrimmage.

Dinner was easy and casual and strawberry shortcake was the dessert!

Continuously AMAZED by God's blessing!

Praising HIM!

Hoping YOU had a wonderful Mother's Day!