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Thursday 31 December 2015

A Rumor!

There is a rumor floating around...

It's not for sure 


I have heard it from a reliable source!

I'm about ready to BURST!

So I better tell you now before I do BURST!!

The rumor is this...

That a certain family that I know should get packing ASAP



They do NOT have their TA yet...

(because CCCWA is closed for 3 days)

BUT they may be receiving this TA at the end of this week or beginning of next week which means they will not have much time to prepare once it has arrived!

they are leaving for CHINA on

JANUARY 11th!!


And this sweet girl will have a GOTCHA DAY of January 14th!

And this darling girl will have a GOTCHA DAY of January 16th!

And this precious girl will have a GOTCHA DAY of January 21st!

And these very excited parents will return home on February 2nd!



More December Fun!

All of the children are so helpful with sweet baby Emily!

Papa is so happy to be a grandpa!
It is a delightful thing to be!

And this Nana is loving being a Grandma!
Do you see the two new teeth our little one has!
Love 'em!

And she has discovered her tongue too!

Emily was 8 months and one week in the pics!

Katie and Emily will return in January- so glad!
Now we get to see her at 9 months!

We went to the play "Rudolph" at stages theater!
Three plays and one concert for the holidays- check!

My treasures from China love the baby toys as much as Emily does!
They missed out on their time to play with toys like this.

When we went shopping for a few baby toys for the house our kiddos were in heaven!
They touched, pushed, turned everything they could get their hands on in the toy store.
I was thinking I should just take them to the toys aisle for an outing-
 I know they would be thrilled.
But, I not sure what condition we would leave the toys in !

Now that Emily is a little bigger and more sturdy Ava can carry her!

Emily loves to stand and walk with our help!

When it was time for them to leave (and go see Andrew) Kate had a few too many things in the suitcase! Oops!
Plus, Penny wanted to go along...
Poor dear, was stuck with us!

Thanks for including us in your travels, honey!
Next stop Germany to see Andrew!

Emily has her comfy cute let's ride in the airplane clothes on!
She did great in the plane and slept most of the way!

And poor poor sad Penny sat by the door for hours and hours and hours...
In the beginning she wanted nothing to do with us but after awhile she cheered up a little and by evening she was back to her old self!

Ava loves animals and is very good with them. 
Penny sleeps with Ava at night. 
We brought her in the first two nights but now she goes in there all by herself

Anna, Melissa, Ava and Ben take piano lessons!

They played their Christmas songs for us at the end of their class!
All four have their lesson at the same time!
This works out well for our family!
Mia and Sarah have learned how to play their songs, too!

And we did go look at kitties, too!
More on that in a future post!

Penny is happy and well adjusted now!
I think she is liking our home!

2014 has been a wonderful year~
Excited for the New Year!

Happy New Year!

Wishing you and your family the best for 2013 from Mexico!
I look forward to my book and Bulk app releasing in the new year.
May the benefits of the Zero Waste lifestyle spread and transform lives across the globe! 

Last Day!

Its our last day for 2010!! Wow, what an incredible year! So much has happened in our lives! We have moved house, moved city, been on an overseas trip, fallen pregnant and had a baby, Boyd started a new job, we have made new friends, gone to a new church... lots of 'NEW' adventures this year! And I feel sooo Blessed!!! God has been good and faithful and I know I have grown so much in Him this year as I have had to trust in Him so much more.

So this coming year... 2011... New Years Resolutions...Do you like to make them? Apparently 85% of New Years Resolutions are over/broken by the 15th of January... but hey at least we try!! haha...
Mine?? I have a few goals... First and foremost, I want to walk in the will of my God. I want to do all He asks of me and nothing less... and as I do that I know I will grow, and learn and become a better mother, a better wife, friend and person...and out of everything...that EXCITES me!
Other Goals... Lose weight would be one...obviously ive just had a baby so need to shift some baby weight, however quite proud of myself as I have already met my pre-pregnancy weight, so now to shift some more... to be honest I just want to be fit and healthy, but I know as I do that, the weight will move! I also want to keep up to date with my blogging and also my Project Life!! (you can keep me in check with that)
So lets see how I go!!

I have had so many messages and comments from you to blog some more photos, so here are a few more of my gorgeous boys!! Im loving being a mother of two! They are just divine and I feel so blessed!!!

My beautiful Ben!

Ben having a bath and Luke helping!

Our first outing in the double pram!
Luke loved sitting next to Ben!

Chilling out together!

Well its goodbye to 2010 and Hello to 2011. I hope you all have a great night celebrating! I'm hoping to be in bed and ASLEEP!! haha...gotta love newborns! Please stay safe and be totally blessed this coming year! Look forward to sharing more with you in 2011... and please feel free to comment on this blog and tell me what you would like to hear from me about this coming year!!... Give me some ideas!! :)
Love to you all who follow...and if you haven't pressed that 'follow' button on the right of this blog, please do so! I love to know who is reading and following! 

All my love and prayers on this New Years Eve! xox

Kate's Christmas

I know, I know, Christmas is over and done with...but...but...but... I just have to show you my friend, Kate's Christmas decorations, they are just beautiful!!

Christmas has come and gone, and I haven't even posted a photo of my Christmas decorations...why?? Because they never actually made it onto the tree!! haha... There has been so much happening, that tree was neglected :( Well the fairy lights made it on, and that looked nice...but my plan of getting new decorations this year and really decking it out went down the drain. Being overdue, having no energy, not being well and looking after my family who was not well, then having a baby...well all that took up most the time... Im a little disappointed but hey, there is always next year!!!

So I'm making up for that with my gorgeous friend Kate, who really does LOVE Christmas. Apparently, she has boxes of Christmas decorations in the shed, all colour co-ordinates ready for whatever 'theme' she chooses for the year!...well that's what her husband tells me?? Is that true Kate?? hehe... it seriously would surprise me!!

Kate's Formal Lounge! Love it!

The Mantle, full of photos of her kids with Santa
each year... special!

The Tree!!
I love the train!! 

The Village in the fireplace!!
I hope Santa doesn't break it when he comes down the chimney to deliver the prezzies!!


Its all in the small things!!
Kate has an amazing talent to see the detail in things and I love that!!
There is meaning and sentimental memories in most of her decorations, everything has a story! What beautiful memories she is creating for her children! I can definitely take a leaf out of her book and I hope over the years as I collect my decorations, I can create such magical and special place for my children at Christmas time!
Please don't feel the pressure to go and create this, all in one year! Kate will be the first to say, these decorations have taken years of collecting and creating!! 

Just looking back over these photos, I get excited about what I can collect and create for my kids!! WooHoo... Might be time to hit the shops and get those clearance Christmas decorations :)
... well hopefully! 

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Update on Luke's Heart!

Right before Christmas we took Luke into the Pediatric Cardiologist.
The appt went well and he did so good!
They did an ultrasound of his heart!
He laid their for over an hour- what a hero! Thank goodness I had some left over crackers from China in my purse! That helped him through the last half hour!

Luke has a very confusing heart!
It is on the wrong side of his body, it is in a slightly contorted position and was repaired in Israel 18 months ago.

While they were looking at it they said words like awesome repair and beautiful job!
In a nutshell he has everything he needs now- 2 atriums, 2 ventricles and all the vessels go to the right place!
18 months ago this little boy had life saving surgery- a blessing from our heavenly father!
It was not an easy surgery , even the Physicians in Israel questioned if they could do it.
BUT GOD could and so many people all over the world were praying and fasting for this sweet boy!

5 months earlier I had heard God speak. Out of the blue I heard "He is your son" as I was looking at Morningstar Foster home site and saw a picture of Luke.

I remember being very nervous and praying and fasting throughout the day of his surgery and throughout his recovery.
It truly amazes me that he is home now!
God is so awe inspiring!

There are a few things we need to watch AND their may be an upcoming surgery we are not sure- more tests need to be done.
Luke has two leaky valves which are not concerning at this point. His oxygen level runs at 96%- 99%.
His heart makes a hippity hop and a gallop sound!
He has an atrial rhythm, not a sinus rhythm like most people.

He does have a minor blockage where the pulmonary arteries go to the atrium of the heart.
That is the most concerning issue right now...

He will have a CAT scan and maybe a few other tests on January 10th.

They also had him wear a 24 hour monitor so they could see what his heart is doing throughout the day. We know he skips beats, so they want to see if there is a pattern or a reason.

He was so cute with this on!
He didn't complain or pull it off!
BUT of course it made his pants fall down!
He has the tiniest BUTT and his pants are always falling down! Sometimes even the diaper falls down!

So instead of wearing it on the back of his pants...

He carried it in his hand... for a whole 24 hours!
Yes, he is 3 and he did take out every puzzle we own!
It's okay, it turned into puzzle time for everyone else!

He held it or it was on the ground!
Hey, whatever works! 

All the kids were excited to see a bit of snow!
It didn't stay long BUT still it was exciting!
And yes, we gave up on the pants issue!

Hey, Like I said! ya do what ya gotta do!

Sam, Is just realizing that Luke has HIS toys!

Oh ya! I forgot I have to share!
It's okay, he's my brother!
(and my sister, and my sister and my sister!)

At this point... Luke is figuring out the sharing thing!
Really? Do I have too?
Okay, Okay!

This kid can almost do the splits! Future gymnast!
We were very happy to have our 24 hours over and be able to take all of this off our little guy!

We're jumping to Christmas eve night!
While in China we bought a chinese brand DVD player so everyone at home could enjoy some of their favorite Chinese cartoons!

They were all thrilled!
They are watching the happy goat and wolf show!
We call it Mei Ya Ya but I think we are wrong since every time we say it the "masses" correct us!
Masses meaning ALL the children!

Auntie Barbie came with some gifts for the children!

They all obviously opened at once!
Everyone enjoyed the chaos!

And... here are my littles!
such wonderful blessings!
3, 5, 5, 6 and 5!

Once again!
 Thank you, Jesus!