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Tuesday 30 June 2015

Anybody recognize these people?

 You will never guess who my little Katie just met!! SHE MET LINN, DWIGHT AND LIBERTY!! YAhoooo!! 
They are in Iowa City for Isaiah's surgery. He was actually having his surgery when Katie caught up with them! She was a little nervous- she was meeting her mothers bloggy friend! 

She said, "Now Mom, Do you actually know them? I mean like, am I going to go up to them and say hello and are they going to say I don't know her and who are you?"

I told her  "I know them, don't worry! "

She called me right after and said "They are so nice, warm and friendly!!" I already knew that but it is so cool that she got to meet them! I guess Dwight is planning to start a 12 step program for us addicted bloggers! Can I bring my computer?

Thank you Linn, Dwight and Liberty for being so kind to my daughter!!
Prayers for Isaiah!

We're in Portland!!

We could not get internet service last night so I was unable to post before leaving home. I was so bummed and of course worried about it while trying to sleep. Thankfully we have internet here- PTL!!

I believe I will be able to post on my blog while in China- we worked hard with a technician to get it going!! We will see!

We are so excited to going!! I can't believe our girls are only days away!! Thank you Jesus!!

We will be in HK in 20 hours!! I'll post then!!

Thank you Jesus!!

Volunteer Spotlight: Genentech

Family House has received a lot of volunteer support through individuals, community groups and especially corporate groups. One company that has stood out above the rest is Genentech. Located in South San Francisco, this cutting edge biotech company has been involved with Family House since 2010. Groups have come to disinfect communal areas, reorganize the garage space, paint communal areas, decorate during holidays and have even thrown special parties for families to enjoy.

Genentech has not only donated their time but they have also given us financial support as well. Family House was the beneficiary of Genentech’s Give Back Concert in 2013 where they donated over $22,000 through that event. In total, Genentech has donated or pledged over $140,000 to Family House since 2010.

Thank you so much Genentech for being a huge advocate and partner of Family House!

Get involved with Family House! Learn more at

Volunteer Spotlight: Helena Karnilowicz

Volunteer leader, marathon volunteer, research assistant. Is there anything that Helena Karnilowicz doesn’t do? Read more about the Family House July Volunteer Spotlight, and why she’s so awesome!

The work of a Volunteer Leader at Family house is never quite what one would expect. There are various ways in which they assist the staff at Family House: data entry, helping to manage family dinner nights, helping with the summer high school program.

Additionally this summer, Helena Karnilowicz took on the job of working the SF Marathon at a water station on behalf of Family house. She has been a huge help to the volunteer program as well as to other staff members helping with office projects.

Not only does Helena volunteer, but she also works for UCSF in a research program capacity understanding neurological and physiological aspects of the human brain. On top of everything, she is the President of her Psi Chi chapter at the University of San Francisco.

When Helena has a spare moment, she loves cooking, reading, exercising, and even cleaning1 Helena has gotten to know a lot of the volunteers and families, and is a huge help to the Volunteer Program. Thank you, Helena, for all of your hard work! Family House wouldn't be the same without you!

Get involved with Family House! Learn more at

Monday 29 June 2015

What do you see?

The treasures are there! They are waiting for you to find them!
This little guy sat and sat and sat on the waiting child list. Then he was listed as "file to be returned".
We couldn't let that happen!
He has what may be considered a tough disability.
IA- Imperforate Anus otherwise known as anal atresia.
When I look at this picture I don't see that? 
Do you?
I see a whole lotta cuteness going on!

He has a colostomy. The products/supplies that are out there now make it pretty easy to deal with. We change his bag about every other day. Every three days in the cooler weather. We empty it about every 6 hours or so- actually as often or as seldom as we want to- doesn't matter. He lets us know if the bag is heavy and he wants it emptied. 
He can do everything any other child can do! Even pass gas!!

When ever the girls smelled something that wasn't quite right they immediately blamed it on Sammy!
BUT when Sam passes gas it goes into the bag and doesn't smell- so will the real gas passer please fess up!!
Then Sarah says - it wasn't me!
And of course then I hear 4 more- it wasn't me!

We are planing to have his repair in Cincinnati. They are #1 in Pediatric Anal Atresia and related issues.
They should receive all of his information and test results this week. We have no idea when we will first meet with them and when the repair will be scheduled for? BUT we are looking forward to hearing from them and getting an appointment!! (Just hoping it's not scheduled for the same time we are leaving for China for Luke and Mia.)

All the kids have seen Sam's colostomy and have seen us care for it. It's no big deal anymore. What may have looked a little shocking at first is now just part of their little brother.
We read the book "Everybody Poops" to the kids.
And every one does poop- Sam's just poops a little differently right now.

Now that we're experienced at this swimming is working out great! When I see him playing in the water and smiling from ear to ear it warms my heart and I can't help but thank God for this incredible little boy!
He is so filled with joy!!

Don't shy away from an adoption just because of the diagnosis! Pray about it- it just might be one you can handle! And even if you think you can't handle it- God can! He will not leave your side!

So thankful to have this little boy home!!

Pep Talk!

On our way to church I gave the children a pep talk!

I told them that they should...

1. try not to fall asleep


2. try to participate more in the service.

We even discussed the meaning of the word participation!

We live 2 miles from church and by the time we got there...

Luke had fallen asleep...

Hubby recommends that I don't become a 

"motivational speaker"!

After Church, Luke said

"Mom, I didn't fall asleep"

he was very proud of himself!

But in the 1.6 years since he has been home I have never seen him so active in church.

Maybe falling asleep is okay!?!

Warn your older kids!

Katie went to the Dr.- they feel she was definitely drugged. They have seen this before. Warn your your older kids!

Read previous post for more information... 

Summer Stuff, Abby Update and VBS

 I am so sorry it has been so long since I posted.
So much is happening here at our home with wedding prep and graduation party prep along with every day life! Which is actually quite full as I am sure you all know!!

We are asking for more prayers for Abby. She had a liver MRI and the results were discouraging.
Her liver is still FULL of iron. There has been no change since 4.5 months ago when we started the chelation process.
My heart sunk when I heard the news.
We were so hoping that her liver iron level would go down.

Next is a liver and bone marrow biopsy.
That will be done in July.
Praying and praying for some good news...

When we go in for her transfusions we bring a different sibling each time!
The other kids are excited to see where she what we do when we go in for a transfusion. Abby is excited to share in the fun with a sib and it makes her feel special!
We watch TV, watch movies, color, play with playdoh, read books, have a snack, eat lunch and play on the ipad!

Thank you God for making it a joyful experience!

We came home to children enjoying the summer weather and making the best of the heat!

Water is just so much fun!

Here is our version of a swimming pool!
Hey, it works!!

Last week the children went to vacation bible school!
It is a highlight of their summer!

Emma and Ellie were in different classes and it worked out great!!
The children there were very nice and helpful to Emma! Ellie was able to meet some new kids!

Ava and Anna attended a first grade class together!
Sam and Abby were in the kindergarten class together!

Sarah is the first "S" in Jesus!

Next year Luke gets to go and Sarah becomes a helper/ volunteer!
I look forward to our two new girls being able to attend!
We are still working on the names and will post on that soon!!

Hope you are enjoying your summer!

Dangerous Situation

If your not sitting down - your going to want to as you read this post. It is weird...

Last Saturday our older daughter called home from college. She is done with school, finishing up a few jobs and will move home in mid August. That is not soon enough for her parents, especially after what just happened. Katie is a very responsible young adult. She graduated with a double major in journalism and elementary ed. She has a 3.9 GPA and played division one soccer for the Hawkeyes for 3 years. She generally makes good choices but not all the time. 

She has 4 jobs this summer- she tutors, she is a nanny, she teaches summer science camp to kindergarteners and she is a bartender a a local restaurant/ bar. She worked on Friday night as a bartender from 9 pm -2 am. She ate dinner at her restaurant at 8:30 pm. After her shift was over she had a couple drinks with a few of the other workers and then walked home with 2 of them. At about 3:00 she left the last person at their house and walked the last 4 blocks to her place by herself. We think? Because from that moment on she remembers nothing. The next thing she remembers is walking down the street wondering "where am I and why is it light out?" 

She walked around for a little while and then saw a policeman. She tried to approach him and ask him questions but he was busy with something else and kind of blew her off. When she figured out where she was, she walked home. The scary thing is she remembered nothing, nothing at all. She lives with 6 other girls so one of them went to the hospital with her where she was checked for possible evidence of s*xual assault. We have not heard back but they did not think she was assaulted- praise the Lord. 

She spent Saturday racking her brain trying to figure out what had happened. She called us but did not explain the situation to her Dad- so we didn't know about it until Saturday night. I called her and she just started crying. It was very scary for her and it is so frustrating not remembering. Her purse and all personal possessions in it were missing. She had no recollection of ever having them but knows she would never leave work with out them. She did not feel under the influence of alcohol when she left work that night but of course alcohol can be deceiving. Her co- workers said she did not seem under the influence either. She did see the policeman again later that day and he was very nice, concerned and helpful.

She checked her phone records and her bank account. Her phone had not been used and her bank account showed no activity.

Her first thought and mine were that she was drugged at the end of her shift and it hit her system while she was walking home.

Our current thought is that she was not drugged but that she may have a sleep walking problem and that combined with alcohol made for a very dangerous situation. She has fallen asleep while talking to friends on the phone and has sleep walked at her place at school.

On Sunday she continued to search for any clues and for her things.

This morning (Monday) she got a call from a sorority house a block away. Her things were found by the house mother who had been away for the weekend. They were hidden with in the landscape - in fact this woman thought it was a crime scene and was afraid to touch them and wondering what had happened to their owner.

Katie is going to follow up with her Doctor and check into a possible sleep disorder, she is definitely shook up about it and thankful to God that she is okay. Me- I am more than thankful- I am forever grateful to our dear Lord for watching over her that night and protecting her from harm. Thank you, thank you Jesus!

For now we are baffled and thankful. 

I asked Katie if I could post about this- she gave me the okay. I know that she has learned from this situation and we hope that others may learn, too. There have been many stories in the media with college kids and alcohol. Most of the kids are not as lucky as our daughter was. It is a dangerous combination- alcohol, being over tired, working late, socializing with people you don't even know- I do worry about my college kids. Yet they need to have independence and learn to be an adult. We think our daughter is wonderful and we are so thankful the whole situation did not go in a different direction

Sunday 28 June 2015

Moving On Over??

We have tried to get the computer working for blogger but have failed. We will continue to work on it. I am losing hope at this point. I had hoped to have it all set up so when we left I would understand what I was doing. I know that many say it is easy BUT nothing on the computer is easy for me. I was also hoping that daughter Katie would be so driven to be on facebook that she would have it all figured out. I guess maybe the fact that she can't be on FB is a good thing!?! What do ya think Kate?

Next time we travel to China we will have our own website- unblocked!! BUT for now I am moving over to "Journey to Me"- once you get there click on Adoption Journals. Our journey is public so just look for Journey to Emma Joy and Ella Mei! That's our girls!!

I just have to ask for your help with this!! I am downloading Christian music onto my nano and I cannot find a song that I need to bring. It sounds like an Irish ballad with the bag pipes playing- It starts out "In Christ the Lord... I NEED to bring it with me- I love it and it speaks to my heart! I cannot seem to find it in the itunes store and I don't really know the official name of the song or who sings it.?! Can YOU help me?

It has been interesting preparing for this journey! Already we have had a plethora of feelings going on at our house. I'm sure it does have a lot to do with adding two girls BUT it also has a lot to do with breaking the home routine. Mom is getting ready for China and not able to do the usual schedule- that alone throws them off. Honestly, once we get on the plane we will be just fine. The waiting will be over, the long awaited China trip will have arrived! Oh yes and we will have new challenges! Bring them on!

Praise the Lord!!

Inspirational Work

Working with sick kids all of the time can be really daunting at times. It makes you ask the question "Why?" alot, "How is this fair?"...but at the end of the day you cannot help but have hope and be inspired by the strength, and determination of these families and kids. They embody all that is possible in the human spirit and heart.

Jon one of the House Manager's here at Family House was telling me a story about two families that stayed here years ago. A child named Blaine Henok and her mother came over from Ethopia to seek medical treatment here at UCSF. During their stay here at Family House they grew incredibly close to another family, the Aguilar family whose son Danny was getting a liver transplant. After the girl's treatment was scheduled to end they were going to have to go back to Ethopia, but the girl needed to come back for annual followups. The Aguilars realized how hard this was going to be for her if she went all the way back to Ethopia... so they did the most selfless thing possible, and adopted the girl so she could stay in the United States, and continue to get the medical attention she needed. She now goes to school and lives with that family in Reno, Nevada.

It is stories like this one that keeps the staff here at Family House so invested in the work we do. It is what makes us wake up in the moring excited to come to work, because we know we are witnessing something truly life changing. We are witnessing the capacities of love, and the strength of the human spirit.

Small Things With Great Love

Kayden Langley was born with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease (PMD) an extremely rare disease in which the individual is born without a myelin sheath, the fat and protein covering--which acts as an insulator--on neural fibers in the central nervous system. This leaves the individual hypotonic, making it difficult to hold up their head, due to their low level of muscle development. Motor abilities for these individuals are delayed or never acquired. Muscle contractures or the shrinkage of muscle often occur over time and mental functions may deteriorate as well due to the disease. These side effects are just some of the listed symptoms connected to PMD. Currently there is no cure for this disease, nor a standard course of treatment.

Though the prognosis may seem grimm, if there is anything we have learned here at Family House, it is that there is ALWAYS room for HOPE, and that sometimes miracles do happen. For the Langley Family that miracle came when Kayden was one of four boys to be accepted into a clinical trial for PMD. Jaime, Kayden's mother remember's the doctors first telling her their son had PMD. She said, "they told me it was more likely for us to win the lottery then have a child with PMD." But the Langley's never gave up hope, and went online throwing themselves into research about the disease. It was through their research that they came across the Clinical Trial here at UCSF. The trial is researching the use of Stem Cells to regrow the missing or damaged myelin sheath. Kayden and the three other boys are among the first humans ever to use Stem Cells for treatment.

The Langley's have been here three times in the past year, and are schedule to come back three more times before Kayden's treatments are done. As I sat in the family room with Kayden, Jaime and their nurse I began to understand what Family House really stands for. Jaime and her nurse were both shocked by how nice everyone here is. Jaime said, "You wouldn't expect them to be so nice, to care so much. But they do, they are so nice here." She talked about Family House as if it was more then just a place to stay, but a place to escape and forget about the endless hours of appointments and treatments. Jaime told me about all the places she'd gotten to visit around San Francisco, like the Science Museum, Fisherman's Wharf, and the Golden Gate Bridge. She talked about how much her other two kids loved coming to Family House to spend time with the other families and staff. She feels comfortable here, she feels at home here.

Mother Teresa once said, "We can do no great things; only small things with great love." As I looked on to Kayden and Jaime that day I realized for the first time what that quote really meant and how Family House makes it possible for all of our Families and Staff to do what we can with great love.

Summer Fun - Swimming!

When I think of 11 children at a crowded pool and me in charge of them I think-
Since I am a problem solver and safety is my main concern I have decided to dress some of the children in matching swimsuits!

The two boys will be dressing alike and I can't wait to have 4 boys dressing alike!

The 5 little girls will have the same swimsuit too!
I actually got a couple options for the kids!

We are so excited to finally be able to go swimming!
ALL of the children love the pool!
It's fun, refreshing and therapeutic!

The kiddos above are able to go off the diving board and slide!
The older girls will not be dressing alike at the pool!
They vetoed the idea! 

Emma loves to go swimming!

Luke loves to play in the water. 
He is not a risk taker and he's not sure why people would ever even consider putting their heads under water?
As far as he is concerned- that is not a smart idea!
Hubby and I are working with him and he will be taking swim lessons next week with all the children.

It is so much fun to see the children interact and play together!
And the matching suits helped me to identify which children were mine!
Otherwise I have a tendency to want to take home all the asian children in the area!

I love those missing front teeth! 

Mia asked if she could go in the deep end with the other older children...
Ahhhh, no honey! You can't swim!
She seems to learn things quickly so we are doubling up swim lessons for Mia, Melissa and Sam.
Sam is all muscle. Although he can swim he is still a sinker so we want him to learn his strokes better!

Our Green Thumb

For the last TWO YEARS, Family House has been lucky enough to have a volunteer like Caryn Pierce who has been making our gardens at both houses beautiful! Her genuine care for our families and imaginative touch creates a welcoming environment that makes everyone smile as they pass by!

Making Family House Wishes Come True

Comcast contacted Family House a while back, asking us what they could do to help. So we created an extensive wish list of everything both Houses need to run for about a six month period. The list including things like toilet paper, paper towels, tooth paste, shampoo, conditioner, etc...pretty much all the basic resources an individual needs to live somewhere. 

Comcast took this massive list we gave them and brought it to their employees. Four employees stepped up to oversee the collection of everything. Items were collected throughout Comcast's offices across northern California, and within a months time Comcast's employees had collected over 30,000 items. Then they came down and personally delivered all the items in multiple van loads of generosity.   

Comcast helped make it possible for us to house families for six more months. Their kindness is both inspiring and grately appreciated. It is donations like this one that help remind me how amazing the human heart is.

So from all of us here at Family House, Thank you Comcast and all of you employees who took the time to make a donation and make all our wishes come true. It means more then words can ever express, because it means one more family can find comfort and a home here while dealing with some of the hardest battles of their life.

Genentech Pays It Forward

For the last two years the company Genentech has been holding a NonProfit Expo. The Expo this year invited twenty different non-profits from around the Bay area to come and participate in the event. Family House was one of the organizations lucky enough to be chosen. The event held a raffle, silent auction, and a live auction from which the proceeds went to one of the non-profits featured at the event. Whomever won the auction item got to choose which charity their winnings went towards.

Family House was choosen to be the beneficiary of a number of the auctions items...including a signed World Series Baseball, and an all-inclusive weekend trip for two to Miami, FL. 

The week following the Expo was filled with volunteer projects at the various organizations that attended the event. That following Friday a group from Genentech came to our house on 10th ready to be put to work. They did a bunch of onsite projects that we had been needing to get done. No job was to big or small. They did whatever we asked with a smile on their face.
It is generous companies like Genentech that help make Family House run. Genentech is truly a company who cares about giving back to the community they are a part of, and here at Family House we are ever so grateful for their time and support.  

Volunteer of the Month

Annie Coyne began volunteering for Family House in April of this year. Her passion to help others in a healthcare setting along with her sincere and upbeat personality has truly made her an asset to Family House!

A heart warming surprise!

Thank you so much for your input on Luke's middle name! We have almost decided and are leaning towards Luke Lewis. We love both names but we are thinking Lewis will have more meaning. It is the last name of the foster family that has been caring for him in Ch*na!

When we think of the different pasts all are children from Ch*na have had- we are so grateful for where Luke is right now. We are praying that they will not send him back to the orphanage before we meet him in China. Actually even the thought of it is upsetting. He is not from a good orphanage but because of his health he was sent to a special needs foster care home run by an American family. What a blessing that was- Luke's life was forever changed. God is so good and we are so grateful to HIM! If you want to check out the foster home/ special needs orphanage look on my sidebar- it is Morning Star Project. They have some beautiful babes that need forever families!

Hubby and I have been going on a few dates lately! It has been wonderful. It refuels us and give us a chance to visit and relax a bit! 
Last Saturday night we came home to this! Our sheet were in the dryer, while we were gone Sarah decided to make our bed
Wow, we were so surprised! It was so thoughtful of her to do! What a treat!

Then she turned it down and

put mints on the pillows!
What a sweetheart!

Between the pillows were these notes form the three older girls- Sarah, Emma and Ellie!

It took my breath away! I had to take a photo of them!
I hope you can read them! The sitter said it was all their idea. I am sure she helped with the spelling.  Honestly it warmed my heart to read them!
If we ever questioned what we were doing- we would question no more!

We are so thankful for our little treasures!

It's hard to think of those that don't get to come home...
If you're thinking about adoption but are on the fence- We encourage to step out in faith, trust God that it will work out and bring home a treasure or two of your own!!

Saturday 27 June 2015


Okay, Okay- I get it... no one is traveling when we are BUT it is okay! We will have fun and bond with our girls!!

Actually I have talked to a few fams that will be there at the same time and we are meeting up with them! Two families have gotcha day in Nanning just hours before us and they are staying at the same hotel. Then there are a few families that will be in GZ and we will meet them, too! Not to mention we are hoping to see a very special family in HK as they head home- we will see what can actually happen, as I am sure they are exhausted and will be anxious to get home. Everyones focus is on their children- as it should be!

So here is the itinerary-
June 30th- we leave for HK (by way of portland and Tokyo)!
July 1st - we arrive in HK
July 2nd - sightseeing in HK
July 3rd - sight seeing in HK
July 4th - relax in HK and travel to Nanning in the evening!
July 5th - get settled and get ready for Gotcha Day 5:00 pm!!!
July 6th - Sign papers for our girls! Sight seeing in Nanning!
July 7th - Take a train to Guilin!
July 8th - Sight seeing in Guilin!
July 9th - See the orphanage! Take an overnight train to GZ!
July 10th - arrive in GZ. medical exam and visa pics!
July 11th - sightseeing
July 12th - yadda yadda
July 13th - yadda yadda
July 14th - CA- yippee!!
July 15th - swearing in!
July 16th - Pick up our visa and take a train to HK!
July 17th - Fly Home from HK!! WooHoo!! Arrive Home!!

I will fill in a few of the blanks soon and make a few changes when I get more info! It seems to be raining a lot in southern China right now... Please pray for decent weather! Only 57 hours until we leave!! Thank You Jesus!!

I did it!!

I talked to the neighbor- yes, I have been dreading doing this. Yes, I hoped I could avoid it all together but the dear Lord arranged it all and the opportunity was there, so I did it!

She called on Friday morning and left a pleasant message concerned the girls. I called her back that evening and let her know that with Sarah only being home 6 months we needed to keep her close to us. I had misjudged the time it takes for an older adoptee to adjust to so many new situations and that this process would take us years. I shared the new rules with her and she seemed to completely understand. It felt good to be an advocate for our daughter. It felt good to know I was doing the right thing. I am thankful to God the he gave us exactly the right opportunity and the courage to do it. I could feel his presence and I knew even if it was not received well- that would be just "too bad" because we are not changing our minds. It is what is best for our daughter and for our family.

I also have to say that I said I was "advised by my support group"- that would be you dear bloggy friends! Thank you for your words of wisdom, support and prayers!

If you have joined us late- This post is in response to my June 20th post- "Any thoughts on this one??" 

Thank you Jesus!

High School Family House Sweethearts

Every week here at Family House we try and plan activities for the Families to distract them from their Hospital Routines. It is only because of our amazing group of volunteers that we are able to do as much as we do for the Families that come here. Without them we would not have been able to grow or help nearly as many families as we have.

We get volunteers of all ages and backgrounds...but one of our most recent Volunteer Days was run by a group of high school students. They came in and made cupcakes and played videos games one afternoon about a week ago. This may not seem like that much but to the kids staying at our 10th Street House in meant the world. It helped them forget about being sick and just be a normal kid again, overloading on sugar and Play Station 2 like all the rest.

This group of High School Students may not know how much their visit meant to us and the families here at Family House... But everytime they show up they open their hearts to these kids and help show us how its the small things that really count in life.

Summer BBQ

Last friday was a beautiful summer day, and here at Family House we celebrated by throwing a BBQ for all of our families. A group of thirteen volunteers from Salesforce came in to help us put on the BBQ their company sponsered. They brought with them a positive attitude ready to be put to work, and a number of fun activities for the kids to play. There was face painting, basketball, bouncy balling creations, a beading station, and a mural project all going on throughout the afternoon. 

It is always hard when planing events for the families with volunteers just because all of our families have such different and busy schedules that are completely dependent on their appointment times and the hospital's availability. This past friday though we had an amazing turn out as multiple families were able to show up to the BBQ and enjoy the Hotdogs and Hamburgers grilled by our Volunteer Grillmaster Paul.

It was a fun filled afternoon in which the volunteers and families got to talk and play, and forget about any of the normal worries that fill their days. We always try to encourage our families and volunteers to intermingle and talk because it helps build a community of support for the families as they are all going through simirlarly difficult and trying times.

Here at Family House we want to be more then just a place to stay, we want to be a becon in the dark, a community anyone can turn to for love and support. Celebrating a Sunny Summer day with a BBQ and friends and family is just one more way Family House tries to go the extra mile.

30 Ways to wear a long skirt - Day one

Sorry for not posting in a while: I have been working overtime in translating (and adapting) my book to French and answering the demands and interest of international media (a great sign that the word of Zero Waste is spreading and the world intrigued by change!) .

In the midst of that, I made my annual trip to Europe. I will be here for 30 days, mixing work and pleasure, and as you guessed it, I am taking on a challenge similar to last year's: Wearing a long skirt 30 different ways.

Presenting to you:  The skirt. Long, black, slit in the back, made of a matte jersey knit (for some reason, the pictures make it look shiny) and fitted (I took it in at the seams to fit me).

To allow for maximum versatility and accommodate a variety of climates (from cold/rainy to hot/dry) and events (from hiking to TV appearances), I brought 4 tops, 3 bottoms, 5 pairs of shoes and 3 toppers (all naturally fit in my carry-on, along a jar with our year's trash (long story).

Everyday, I will post a different way of wearing the skirt through Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Today is Day One: Strapless dress with a side slit.

Friday 26 June 2015

Inn Kahoots!

We live in a suburb not too far from a couple cute little towns. When I take Sarah to swimming lessons we go on the back roads and I drive by this little biker bar named "Inn Kahoots". They have this sign up all year round. I can't help but chuckle everytime I pass by it!

Do you get it? Free Beer Tomorrow- tomorrow never comes- it's always free beer tomorrow! I think it is so funny!!

Now I need your advice, wisdom or thoughts on this issue - so please go over to the Princess Diaries and make a comment! I'd like to be "Inn Kahoots" with you on this issue!

China Travel - ROLL CALL again!

Since we are traveling one week later than we hoped I thought I would try again to find more families traveling at the same time!

If you know of anyone traveling to China (that hasn't left yet) or if it is you- please let me know!!

I will add your blog to my sidebar!! I will also hopefully see you in China and give you a huge hug!

I'm feeling a little bit like the party is happening without me (right now in China) so I would love to hear from you!! We will make our own fun! (and support group)

Thank You Jesus!

Thursday 25 June 2015

Poof- it was gone...

I had just done a big long post- I was feeling pretty good about it. At the end I included my "thankful thursday" list and I was just about to make one correction and somehow must have pressed one wrong button and the whole darn thing disappeared- ugh.. With a our busy life- I had started it at about 5:00 and came back to it at 10:00 just to finish it up- just like that, poof it was gone. One more time- poof, it was gone... ugh

The other day I opened the freezer and there was the telephone. Interesting! There are a lot of people here I could blame it on but ahhh, ummmm, I'm thinking it was me that did it. I didn't tell anyone- I just took the very cold phone out of the freezer and hung it up. Thankfully know one called while it was... in the freezer!

One more time here we go-
I am thankful for my dear sweet hubby! He is the man of my dreams!
I am thankful that the timberwolves drafted Ricky Rubio. We now have a very happy 15 yr old boy in this house! (Now don't trade him!)
I am thankful for how well Sarah is doing with her schoolwork!
I am thankful to be a MOM!
I am thankful for an official Match!
I am thankful for our dear Lord Jesus!

The Zoo, The Ants, A Storm and Preparing for China!

This morning we went to the local zoo with our FCC play group! We had a wonderful time with the families! They are all excited to meet Emma and Ellie once we get home! I am trying to do fun things along with preparing to go but it is challenging. The summer will fly by! We have had a rainy month of June and July will be getting the girls in China and getting home. August is often getting ready for school. At this point I want to just close the suitcases and hop on a plane! Soon I will post our itinerary!

So ya know I posted about sticky girl and the ants. We called in our local exterminator- it may have been over kill because the day I made the phone call they stopped visiting us (the ants that is). Well, he came out 2 days later- his idea was to make the ants a lovely meal of sugar, dog food, and poison for them to chow down on. Of course they now have completely disappeared instead of enjoying their gourmet meal. We of course are left with sugar, crumbled dog food and poison on our floor. We have dogs and children- not a good combo with the poison. I am supposed to leave it for 3 weeks... I think not... I'll try it for 2 more days then it's getting cleaned up...

Packing... oh my... I think I need to just shut the suitcases. I am second guessing myself over and over again. We have now added another suitcase filled with the gifts, the girls backpacks, snacks and things for us "to do". I may be getting carried away!

Today I brought Anna into the pediatrician to have her ears checked. Is it wrong of me to say, I was actually hoping she had an ear infection? It would have explained "why" she has been so whiney lately. Her ears looked great- no ear infection! I think both Sarah and Anna are nervous to go to China. They have loved everything about it from afar, but now, China is staring them in the face and I think they want to run the other direction.

I am guessing we will be having many challenges during our time in China. I really appreciate the honesty of the families that are there now. It is a wake up call to me - this will not be easy. We will be a family "full of feelings"! (I will be posting more on this in the near future)
I am concerned about the heat, the fears and the attitudes. We tried to talk about it this evening, they were fine with the talk but then Anna didn't want to go to bed (that never happens) - we may not be talking much about it for the next 5 days. Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do! So China, here we come ready or not!!

This week we have had people working on our landscaper. They did a beautiful job and we have admired it for the last 24 hours! Of course at the 24 hour mark came a horrific storm. Golf ball size hail, torrential rains, 50 mile an hour winds, trees down, along with tornado warnings and sirens blaring! The landscaping is not quite what it was... bummer... we are a little disappointed but it is a good reminder to have our priorities in the right place. Our family is fine, no one was hurt!
Oh well, the landscaping will be okay and perked up by the time we get home from China!