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Monday 29 June 2015

What do you see?

The treasures are there! They are waiting for you to find them!
This little guy sat and sat and sat on the waiting child list. Then he was listed as "file to be returned".
We couldn't let that happen!
He has what may be considered a tough disability.
IA- Imperforate Anus otherwise known as anal atresia.
When I look at this picture I don't see that? 
Do you?
I see a whole lotta cuteness going on!

He has a colostomy. The products/supplies that are out there now make it pretty easy to deal with. We change his bag about every other day. Every three days in the cooler weather. We empty it about every 6 hours or so- actually as often or as seldom as we want to- doesn't matter. He lets us know if the bag is heavy and he wants it emptied. 
He can do everything any other child can do! Even pass gas!!

When ever the girls smelled something that wasn't quite right they immediately blamed it on Sammy!
BUT when Sam passes gas it goes into the bag and doesn't smell- so will the real gas passer please fess up!!
Then Sarah says - it wasn't me!
And of course then I hear 4 more- it wasn't me!

We are planing to have his repair in Cincinnati. They are #1 in Pediatric Anal Atresia and related issues.
They should receive all of his information and test results this week. We have no idea when we will first meet with them and when the repair will be scheduled for? BUT we are looking forward to hearing from them and getting an appointment!! (Just hoping it's not scheduled for the same time we are leaving for China for Luke and Mia.)

All the kids have seen Sam's colostomy and have seen us care for it. It's no big deal anymore. What may have looked a little shocking at first is now just part of their little brother.
We read the book "Everybody Poops" to the kids.
And every one does poop- Sam's just poops a little differently right now.

Now that we're experienced at this swimming is working out great! When I see him playing in the water and smiling from ear to ear it warms my heart and I can't help but thank God for this incredible little boy!
He is so filled with joy!!

Don't shy away from an adoption just because of the diagnosis! Pray about it- it just might be one you can handle! And even if you think you can't handle it- God can! He will not leave your side!

So thankful to have this little boy home!!