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Tuesday 23 June 2015

A Snag... What do you think?

We are working hard to get these two cuties home. We have USCIS approval and should be DTC's in about 2 weeks.

We decided to try to ask Ch*na to expedite their adoptions based on their medical conditions.

Often times I do not think of the seriousness of their diagnosis,  but I can't lie ... it scares me. I get a nervous feeling in my stomach and then immediately hand it over to HIM.
It is so much bigger than me...

We know that they are ours. 
That God has planned for them to come home to our home and that we will be their forever family.
This amazes does he do it? 
How does he have everything happen at just the right time so that it works out perfectly!

We were able to contact the local adoption clinic who reviewed Mia's file and they wrote us a letter requesting Ch*na to please consider expediting her adoption based on her medical diagnosis.
When I read the letter, it once again reminded me that our dear girl has to get the Dr asap. GULP...

 We also asked the local Pediatric Cardiologist (who has Luke file and is planning to see him when we bring him home) if he would write a letter for Luke's adoption process to be expedited. 
The list of Luke's heart ailments is very long...
He supposedly had a complete repair in Israel- which is totally possible- God's hands have been all over this little boy since the day he arrived at his foster home.
However, even if he is totally cured I would think that any physician would want him home asap- to monitor, to have tests to see where he really is at- health wise...

His Pediatric Cardiologist refused to write the letter...

Honestly- I was shocked...
As we have adopted we have come across wonderful physicians who have gone out of their way to help the children... and this one said "No, he wasn't comfortable because he has never seen Luke..."

"Of course you have never seen Luke...
He is an orphan in Ch*na..."

Even as I type this I am shocked at his response...

5 minutes, that's all it would take to help an orphan...

I find myself getting completely irritated all over again... as I type this...

I can only think, he has not reviewed Luke's file, he doesn't understand adoption, he is dealing with something else right now or, or, or, or...
I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt but it's hard to do... 

I have sent another email and called the office.
If we continue to wait for them to finally act appropriately we lose precious time...
So we are thinking of proceeding and having only Mia's request submitted and pray that Ch*na will allow their adoption to be expedited based on Mia's health...

I have considered behaving badly and going to the clinic... tomorrow and talk to whoever will see me... I am a very determined person.

usually behaving badly isn't the answer...

So would you pray for them?
That they would do what is right and good!
That they would take the time for a child.

Yes, it makes me not even want to bring Luke to them if they are so lacking in compassion, ugh. (however they are the best group in the area AND if we find they are not experienced in Luke's situation we will go elsewhere)
Maybe there are circumstances that I do not understand right now that has caused this very poor reaction to our request? Maybe we can let them know so the next time they make a different choice?
But maybe I need to swallow my pride, trust God and just move forward as is-
 We are so close to being DTC'd.
We can't let the opposition detour us.
If we just keep going in the right direction and trust HIM and don't let a snag get us down then maybe all will be well and we can get these two darlings home asap!

What do ya think?