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Monday 15 June 2015


The girls are going to VBS At our church! They absolutely love it! They are there from 8:30-12:00 Monday thru Friday this week! This is Anna's first year! No problem separating- I thought she'd have a tough time... nope, she's doing great!

Soon we will be inseparable for 17 days, so a little time away right now is working out nicely!

I'm not gonna lie... I'm lovin my time each morning! I had coffee with a friend this morning! I'm getting tons done, but there is still tons to do!

VBS is a highlight in our summer! Next year I will have 4 little dumplings going to it! I waited to sign up because I thought we would be in China. We got the last couple openings- next year I'm not waiting to sign up- they love it to much. I wouldn't want to take a chance of missing out.

Sarah did let me know today that she prefers VBS school to any other schooling options and would like to continue with it for next school year! Sorry honey... not an option...

In case you haven't noticed Sarah is sitting nicely and Anna just can't seem to be still- too excited!