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Thursday 25 June 2015

The Zoo, The Ants, A Storm and Preparing for China!

This morning we went to the local zoo with our FCC play group! We had a wonderful time with the families! They are all excited to meet Emma and Ellie once we get home! I am trying to do fun things along with preparing to go but it is challenging. The summer will fly by! We have had a rainy month of June and July will be getting the girls in China and getting home. August is often getting ready for school. At this point I want to just close the suitcases and hop on a plane! Soon I will post our itinerary!

So ya know I posted about sticky girl and the ants. We called in our local exterminator- it may have been over kill because the day I made the phone call they stopped visiting us (the ants that is). Well, he came out 2 days later- his idea was to make the ants a lovely meal of sugar, dog food, and poison for them to chow down on. Of course they now have completely disappeared instead of enjoying their gourmet meal. We of course are left with sugar, crumbled dog food and poison on our floor. We have dogs and children- not a good combo with the poison. I am supposed to leave it for 3 weeks... I think not... I'll try it for 2 more days then it's getting cleaned up...

Packing... oh my... I think I need to just shut the suitcases. I am second guessing myself over and over again. We have now added another suitcase filled with the gifts, the girls backpacks, snacks and things for us "to do". I may be getting carried away!

Today I brought Anna into the pediatrician to have her ears checked. Is it wrong of me to say, I was actually hoping she had an ear infection? It would have explained "why" she has been so whiney lately. Her ears looked great- no ear infection! I think both Sarah and Anna are nervous to go to China. They have loved everything about it from afar, but now, China is staring them in the face and I think they want to run the other direction.

I am guessing we will be having many challenges during our time in China. I really appreciate the honesty of the families that are there now. It is a wake up call to me - this will not be easy. We will be a family "full of feelings"! (I will be posting more on this in the near future)
I am concerned about the heat, the fears and the attitudes. We tried to talk about it this evening, they were fine with the talk but then Anna didn't want to go to bed (that never happens) - we may not be talking much about it for the next 5 days. Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do! So China, here we come ready or not!!

This week we have had people working on our landscaper. They did a beautiful job and we have admired it for the last 24 hours! Of course at the 24 hour mark came a horrific storm. Golf ball size hail, torrential rains, 50 mile an hour winds, trees down, along with tornado warnings and sirens blaring! The landscaping is not quite what it was... bummer... we are a little disappointed but it is a good reminder to have our priorities in the right place. Our family is fine, no one was hurt!
Oh well, the landscaping will be okay and perked up by the time we get home from China!