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Tuesday 23 June 2015

An Unexpected Storm. . .

We had an unexpected storm this weekend, on Friday evening.
We were all home cooking a great diner when it hit!
The storm was much more than we anticipated.
We sat in the porch and visited until...
it was obviously time to go downstairs.
There was no warning- just random thunderstorms may be going through the area.
We lost power and it took 24 hours for the electric company to restore power.
500,000 homes were in the same boat as us...
BTW dinner was ruined, we tried to salvage what we could and ate by candle light.

Yes, it was kinda fun...
a bit of excitement in our house.

We should have put our cars in the garage...
If we would have known it was coming, we would have.
This large branch feel off a tree and dented 2 of our cars.
Sorry Kate...
one of them was your car ;-(

Of course... the older car did not get hit by the branch and is just fine...

Our neighbor's yard is a mess...
tons of branches down and

 one huge part of a tree fell on his house.

And then...
our tree fell on his house too...
YEP, it did...

The inside of the home was not damaged and no one was hurt.

His roof is on the far right.

This tree was a huge basswood. About 7 separate trees all going out of the same spot-

5 fell, 2 are still standing.

We loved this tree! It was huge and so many animals called it home.

We love sitting in the porch and this tree provided the perfect shade and an interesting view.

All this because of wind and rain- the ground was so wet the trees were easily uprooted.
I can't imagine the damage a tornado might do.

And then we also lost a large evergreen tree by the pond. 

To put the size of the tree into perspective here is hubby standing along side it.

It has made us all so thankful for electricity and all the modern conveniences we have in our homes!
The electricity came on 24 hours later and the internet was restored 48 hours later.

 So thankful!

We have finally caught up after 5 loads in the dishwasher and 10 loads of laundry!
We are ready for the week!