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Tuesday 16 June 2015

VBS this week!

The children are in VBS this week! They absolutely love it and want it to continue on to next week... and through the summer!

It was Emma, Ellie, Ava and Sam's first time doing VBS!

The first day- I worried. Ava was a little overwhelmed- she had the deer in headlights look in her eyes. Both Anna and Sam managed to be carried by the teachers! Emma and Ellie spent the whole time in their class without recognizing their good friend Michael.

Sarah was fine- it was her 3rd year doing VBS! When she left the room everyone said in unison "Bye Sarah"!

We regrouped after the first day!
Everyone had an assignment!
Anna and Sam needed to WALK with there precious little legs that GOD gave them!
Ava needed to hold a teachers hand if she was confused about where to go!
Emma and Ellie needed to say "Hi Michael"!
Sarah needed to learn her teachers name and the names of the children in her class!

They were successful!! For the most part! Anna did manage to sit on the teachers lap during story time!
The good thing is there are plenty of sibs to tell on her!!
Next day she sat on her own!!

They love VBS and we are so thankful!!
One day they learned about attitude, then inspiration, then honesty and today was trust! What wonderful lessons to learn!  

As the Mom- I love VBS, too!!
They are doing a great job!
(and I did not volunteer- so I've been able to check off many things on my to do list!)

The children all brought planted flowers home! Marigolds... I'm allergic to them and my allergies have now set it! The marigolds have gone from the kitchen counter to the deck 

Tomorrow is our last day. We're sad it's over with 

However, from a Momma's point of view it has been incredible BUT this family has a hard time getting anywhere at 8:30 am!

We're exhausted!
Thank you Jesus for this wonderful VBS and thank you Jesus that next week- when we will get back to our regularly scheduled programing!