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Saturday 13 June 2015

Bridal Shower with a Camping Theme!

So sorry for not posting for quite awhile- we have the slowest internet in town and high speed will not be making it's way to us for another 18 months ;-(
Plus once again it has been quite busy around here!
With the next couple posts- you will see why ;-)

Caitlin is done with teaching for this school year!
Matt was still studying and taking exams.
It was a perfect time to celebrate the bride!
Although we would have loved it if Matt could have been there!

Caitlin (Matt's bride) and Taren (sp?- the maid of honor)!
Auntie Mimi helped with everything!
Thank you Aunt Mimi and cousin Jimmy!
And others pitched in too- altogether we made it a wonderful evening!

We had so much fun planning the wedding shower!
Matt and Caitlin love to camp and have registered with R*E*I

Our niece Meghan was able to come with her 2 little ones!
They are in the process of moving from New York to Lexington, Kentucky!

Sarah was able to hold baby Willa!
But, baby Willa wanted her Mommy!

It's been a long time since our extended family has been able to get together.

We spent much of the time just visiting!

This is such a cute banner!
Thanks Auntie Mimi!

Some of the little girls got cowboy boots!

The fire pit was a hit!
We ran out of time and were unable to make the s'mores - 
we will need to do this soon!

Kelly was in charge of the games! 
Thank you Kelly!

Since the theme was camping we ate outside!

The energy level and excitement was extremely HIGH!
The children were so so so so
excited for this day!

"Fling the Ring"
but for us it was fling the marshmallow!

The mosquitos started coming out so after the game we went inside!
Caitlin got eaten alive, along with many of the children.

The children got prizes!

Auntie Barb was in charge of that- I was concerned that there wouldn't be enough for all the kids…

No need for concern!

Auntie Barbie brought 2 gifts per child and many other gifts for the adults!

The gifts for the kids consisted of lots of CANDY!
They were thrilled and spent the next 3 days eating it…
until it disappeared!

Auntie Barbie is also a budding photographer so she was able to get lots of cute pics!
Here are a few!

At the end - it was time to open the gifts!
The children colored many picture for Caitlin!
Her ref rig back home must be completely decorated with their artwork!

It is such an exciting time around here!
Caitlin was beaming!
What a treat it is to celebrate her, them and their upcoming marriage!

We are blessed to have her in our family!

She does not have any brothers or sisters (but a ton of first cousins) so she is enjoying this extra large family of ours and now hers!
She is a special ed preschool teacher and is able to connect with the children and give me good direction whenever I have questions!

Love this cake with the camping pic on it!

It was a WONDERFUL evening despite the mosquitos!

So thankful!