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Monday 31 August 2015


I was reading the comments from my last post. The Wright family brought to our attention that Hurricane Earl was heading to Turks and Caicos...

We had no idea that a hurricane was heading to the spot that our son Mark would be going to in just a few days... oh my! He is supposed to leave this Sunday.

We are watching it closely, now. It doesn't look good for the islands. The hurricane is a category 4 and these islands are small and the one he is going to is fairly primitive. We pray for those on the islands that they will be okay and the damage will be minimal.

This study abroad had to be canceled in 2008 due to a hurricane. They are still rebuilding from that hurricane.

We will soon see if Marks study abroad will a go or if it will be cancelled...

Volunteer Spotlight: Lauren Kahn

Lauren Kahn has been an invaluable asset to the Family House business office this semester. As a Volunteer Lead, she has been spending 8 hours a week helping the business office with event planning, processing donations, and writing thank you letters to our donors. Lauren has been experiencing the behind-the-scenes action of how a non-profit runs. She was also instrumental in coordinating volunteers at our annual Cabernet for Connoisseurs event in February.

Lauren, however, is no stranger to working with children, as she has volunteered at Children's Hospital of Orange County, volunteered in the ER of Garden Grove Hospital, and will volunteer at St. Mary's Hospital in the skilled nurse department. She hopes to go into a career involving children and medicine.

In her spare time, she loves baking, cooking, yoga, and zumba. Lauren has taken the role of being the bright, shining face in the office, welcoming families and helping them navigate the city, or answer questions about the house. Lauren, we love your dedication to our families and the work you do at Family House! Thank you, we wouldn't be the same without you!

You can get involved with Family House! Learn more at


Praise the Lord we are DTC'd as of yesterday!!
That means our paperwork(dossier) is on it way to China!

Next it needs to be logged in - which will be our LID(log in date)!

And then we wait for LOA(letter of approval)!
Praying it's speady!

Families usually travel about 3 months after LOA, provided there are not any hitches. Which, with bringing home 3, a hitch is possible. Hopefully not BUT possible.

We are planning to send the girls a photo album and gifts very soon!
Right now they do not know they have a family but in a couple weeks they will all know!
And then they will see the crazy big but very fun family they will be joining!

We will also be asking for updated pics and measurements! I can't wait to get them! We do have a ton of pics of Mia(10 yrs old) but only two of Missy(6 yrs old) and Maddie( 5 yrs old).

I love the little split between Maddie's teeth! That is very hereditary- one of her birth parents has to have that!

The count down begins!
Can't wait to meet them!
Thank you Jesus!

Why should you consider adopting the waiting child? Watch this and find out!

I saw this on a friend's blog- it is so good, you have to watch it! It will warm your heart!

The Rebel Inside!

I did it! I have always wanted to park there and on this day - I did it!! I have small children- well, they're not that small but it was very hot outside and the girls had only been home 3 weeks at that point. I decided if anyone wanted to argue with me go right ahead- this was my right. I may not be a young new Mom but I am a new Mom!!

I felt a little rebellious! It felt kind of good!

Sunday 30 August 2015

A Reminder-

Today in church I came to the realization that I have gotten off course. I have forgotten my purpose, my joy and my mission. I have allowed myself to be of the world and to get sidetracked. I have spent my time worrying about neighbors, over thinking parenting and grumbling to myself.

That is not my purpose, that is not my joy and that is not my mission. I have thought of my journey as being "done" after this adoption- that is wrong. That is what the world would expect and that is not accurate. No matter how many children join our family or not - I will never be done.

It is my dream, my passion and my life's work to care for the children in some capacity (until the day I die). My first choice would always be to have them in my home with me but if that cannot be- we will find another way, another home, somehow... I will never be done. Not as long as there is a child out there that needs a home.

The Lord spoke to my heart today and reminded me what I am doing and why I am doing this. My dream and my mission is to to serve the Lord and love the children. It felt so good to be rekindled, to be reminded and to be redirected! Thank you Jesus!

Active Discard

Friday is housekeeping day in the Johnson household. The day is usually marked by hidden treasures emerging from my kids pockets.

This is how I discovered a non-recyclable one this week:
Max: "Wow, we really don't have that much trash."
Bea: "What did you throw out to notice what was in there?" ;)

As Max was putting his dirty laundry in the machine, he found the plastic wrapper of RealD 3D glasses in one of his pockets. In our previous life, we would have discarded it and never thought about it again (...and repeated the same disregard for our discards, each subsequent viewing of a 3D movie). But today, that wrapper (and others going into our trash container) calls for further investigation and one or more following actions:

-Finding an ALTERNATIVE: In the future, Max will keep the 3D glasses for reuse instead of placing them in the dedicated recycling container at the theater.

-Contacting RealD by PHONE (888-334-3577): Their sales representative explained the company's operation. Movie goers use the glasses, theaters collect them, and send them back to RealD. RealD then sanitizes and re-packages them. Talk about "cleanliness standards" needing revision... I suggested that her company reconsidered its impact on the environment.

Hi: I am a simple movie goer, who also strives to live a zero waste lifestyle.
I found out that you reuse the 3D glasses which is great, but I do not support the plastic sleeve, which is meant for the landfill. So here are some questions that you might want to consider:
-Is sanitizing really necessary, are plastic sleeves necessary? It seems that our society has gone germaphobic; Sanitizing and plastic sleeves only supports that unnecessary fear of germs and subsequent unnecessary waste.The last time I visited Disneyland, their reused 3D glasses were neither sanitized nor wrapped in plastic.
-If you truly feel that the sleeve is needed, how about using paper instead? It would not only be recyclable but also biodegradable/compostable.
-How about adding a note on your wrapper that would encourage viewers to reuse their glasses? I doubt that 3D is going away, so might as well encourage people to keep their glasses for next time. (Your receptacle in movie theatres could be used for extras.)
-or better yet: "How about selling longer lasting glasses (real glass lenses in metal frames) to users instead? as a one time fee option to a movie ticket?
I thank you for your time. I applaud your reusing efforts, you are going in the right direction. I look forward to seeing your environmentally caring improvements.
Sincerely yours,

-MAILING to RealD (100 North Crescent Dr., Suite 120, Beverly Hills, CA 90210) the plastic wrapper with a note such as the copy of the email above or just a few words: "are these really necessary?" or "Please reconsider wasteful practices".

The most common email that I receive from newcomers interested in Zero Waste is about the lack of bulk in their town and their loss as to what to do beyond it. My advice to them, apart from adopting reusables, is quite simple: Let your voice be heard! (I can't stress it enough).

We all have a choice: We can throw it in the "can" time after time, and therefore condone wasteful practices - or we can actively do something to make change happen in our communities. Don't wait for change. Ask for it. Make it happen. Speaking with the grocery store manager to request bulk, suggesting an alternative or no packaging to a manufacturer, or calling a junk mailer, might be time consuming. But a weekly email, call, or letter, is manageable and is a powerful way of pro-actively supporting Zero Waste beyond bulk shopping.

In the comment section, I invite you to share your examples of constructive, to the point letters. Please no rambling :) I hope to make it easier for our community to send or re-purpose our constructive feedbacks. Remember, positive feedback is welcome too. Last week, I contacted Rayovac (800-237-7000) to congratulate and thank them for their innovative cardboard rechargeable battery packaging.

Do you have some letters to share with others?

PS: I hope you remembered to vote today ;)

Sammy's Surgery!

We have heard from Cincy and Sam has his surgery dates! 

I have been praying about this and putting it in God's hands. With so much going on, I knew I could never plan it all out! His timing is perfect timing!

I want so much to leave now and get Luke and Mia but we are still waiting on our LOA... we are on day 33 right now, which is already longer than our wait with Sam and Ava.

Waiting is so hard...

But, since we have to wait we might as well get a few things done before this crew of 6 littles becomes 8!

The Colorectal Center in Cincinnati is number one in the country for pediatric gastrointestinal repairs!

Sam's fist surgery is scheduled for November 2nd! We will be gone for 5-6 days and will return again 2 weeks later for a recheck. We head back to Cincy for his last surgery on January 26th. They will take down his colostomy and Sammy will "go" just like the other kids! Of course we have to be careful with what he eats and it will take time for everything to work correctly!

We are hoping/planning that we will go to China in December between the surgeries.

Anna will also have a surgery coming up but we are unsure of the timing right now. It will be a lip and nose repair along with necessary dental work (meaning taking care of 7 cavities-yikes).

The following pics are for your viewing pleasure! 

These two are absolutely crazy about each other!

Beginning of the Soccer Season and Sam's Birthday!

This Sunday Johnny had his first scrimmage to get ready for the season!
Of course PURPLE is the team color!
we just so happened to have an abundance of purple t-shirts from our make a wish trip!
I even ordered extra for Ben and Joey- knowing they were on their way home!

It rained right before the game so of course we all got a little wet but that was half the fun!

It was so good to see Johnny back out on the field.
He had a knee injury last year.


We won 3-1!

After the game we went to Snuffy's in St Paul for an ice cream treat!

It just so happened to be only hours until Sam's 8th birthday!

The children had never been to an ice cream parlor before!

Big bro Billy came to watch too!
It was so much fun to have this crew at the game and then to have a treat together afterwards!

Our waitress was amazing!
Extra hot fudge for everyone!

It was a first for the sundaes and malts, for most of the children!

 Truly a highlight of the weekend for everyone!

Emma was thrilled with her choice of a hot fudge banana sundae!

And then it was this very special little boy's birthday!

Truly he is such a JOY!

Wait a second?
Who's birthday is it, again?

Oooohhhh ya!
It's Sam's birthday!

Sammy invited only his best friends to his birthday party!

And finally it was the moment he had been waiting for!

He got a new bike for his birthday!
He's getting bigger and it was time for the next size!

Dinner at our favorite restaurant!
(shhhhh- it's easier for Mom and Dad!)

Mark brought his girlfriend, Laukii.
She is from Hawaii and is part Chinese.
The children loved meeting her!

Sam was very excited about his Ninja Turtle DQ ice cream cake!

And he was hoping to be able to blow out all of the candles on his first try!

Happy Birthday Dear Sam!
You are so much fun and such a blessing to us!

Making a wish!

And just as he was about to blow out HIS candles…
someone decided to help him out…
Gotcha Ava and Luke!
The mystery has been solved!

Saturday 29 August 2015

State Fair!

This was the coolest day of the week (but still a very warm summer day), so we decided to go to the State Fair!

The kids LOVE going to the state fair each year!
It is a high light of the summer and signifies that it is coming to an end.

This is Abby and Luke's first time!
The other children really talked it up so expectation were high!

Luke was too young for most of the rides but we found a few for him!
Next year we will fill this ride as Melissa and Madeline join our family!

Anna carried the map around the whole time. She loved figuring out where we were and where we were going!

The big kids loved the slide!

Emma's face is so happy here!

The three stooges!

Yes... we all wore green so we could find each other!
It can get so crowded we didn't want to lose anyone!

Abby is so excited to be sporting a ponytail!

The giggled and spun around in the tea cup!

Luke was thrilled to be driving a red sparkly tractor!
He loves everything that moves- cars, trucks, trains and planes!

Sarah and Ellie loved this ride but it was not Emma's favorite.
I regretted having her go on it- I think it was a bit scary to her.

The merry go round was much more tame and everyone loved it!
Including me!
(yep, I wore green too!)

It is such a fun summer thing to do!
We had mini donuts, pronto pups, fresh lemonade, cheese curds and root beer floats!

Stuck in the horses stall!

Machinery Hill is one of the best parts!

I think I got myself some good farm hands!
Now we just need the farm!

This is one very happy boy!

He is just too cute!

A local hospital had a booth there and they were teaching about safety!
They were all very interested!
They asked the kids some questions and they were able to answer most of them- yay!

That is until the extra large overstuffed doggy showed up! Then their attention shifted to this cuddly pooch!

We decided not to venture through the more crowded spots of the state fair. With the large crew we had and my jet lag this was enough!

So we headed to Johnny's pre season soccer game. 
The kids loved playing in the water.

I forgot to take any pics of the game- oops!
But we won!

Part of me wanted to stop them... the neat freak part but then I came to my senses and realized there was nothing wrong about playing with water on a very hot summer day!

The shade was a much nicer place to view the game!

It was a very fun day for everyone!!