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Friday 19 June 2015

Two Baptisms and Father's Day!

Ava and Sam were baptized today!
The children are in front of the old church that was built in the early 1900's- it is so pretty and quaint! 

Everyone that could be there was there! Billy is at the US Open and Matt lives in Colorado. We missed them- I would have loved to had a pick with everyone but that is very hard to do nowadays!

Here is Sam being baptized! It was after the church service so they let us take pictures! Deacon Sam presided! He is a wonderful man! 
The kid weren't so sure about the water being poured on their heads! 

The holy water ran down Ava's back.

Both of the kids behaved so well! 
The loved their candles and their sashes!

It really was a joyous occasion! God was so present!

Deacon Sam said he has never had a baptism with so many children present, go so well!
Of course Anna did have to do a few twills in her twirl dress!

We were so happy that it all went well! Just a few hours earlier we were thinking we may not make it to church or the baptism (see previous post)!

The God parents and their God children!

Okay Deacon Sam may have slipped up once and called us the grandparents but hey, that happens! AND it will most likely happen a lot more!

Happy Father's Day Honey!
Thank you for being a wonderful father to many dear children!!
You are such a blessing to all of us!
We love you!!

After Brunch we went home to watch the US Open and open a few gifts!!

There seems to be quite a few people that want to help open gifts at our house!
He loved his home made cards and the adorable children that made them for him!!

This has been a whirlwind of a week and weekend for us. VBS, Ava's Birthday, our niece's wedding reception, a fallen tree, two baptisms and Father's day! It was a all wonderful and it went well but I am hoping that this next week will be a little more peaceful!