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Thursday 18 June 2015

Sweet Little Signs of God! A Thankful Thursday Post!

Two simple sweet signs of God!

And two more!! Thank You Jesus!

I just love it when throughout my day I see our God at work touching lives. Often times it is just the little things- but it is the little things that are so sweet and so comforting! How wonderful to know that our God is near!

The other day I was zipping down the freeway (I was not speeding just zipping). I pulled into the right lane because I was nearing our exit when it cam over me that the car next to me may need to get into my lane. I looked over and it was a sweet elderly couple (every elderly couple reminds me of my parents- that have passed away). He did not have his signal on but I felt like I should slow down and give him room, just in case. Sure thing he changed lanes and exited with me. I just felt like- thanks God for letting me know!

A couple days ago I was running errands. You know the "to do" list before going to China. Many things make it on that list even when they are not necessary to get done- this was one of them! We had a lamp that was broken- it needed to be fixed and the local electrical repair shop near us closed so I had to find a new one. I knew the general area it was in but not exactly and couldn't find the address. I drove over to that little town and figured I would find it. That was a mistake ... once I was there I knew it would be very hard to find, I couldn't even remember the name. I pulled over into a parking lot and skimmed through my calendar and notebook- nothing. I said a little prayer and felt a bit foolish. As I was about to back out I looked to my right- there was an electrical repair shop, it was the one I was looking for- thank you God!!

We have felt God's hand regarding the situation with our yard and the fact that our neighbor was trying to take it through adverse possession. I buried St Benedict medals in the property and have been praying over it- for peace and resolution. God came at just the right time and told us to retreat. He then came again at just the right time and placed someone in our lives to help us with the issue. He is a wonderful person and lawyer who specializes in real-estate law. He was an old friend of Hubbies that we had not connected up with for about 20 plus years. It is no longer being handled through unreasonable emotions but instead fairly through the legal system. We are at peace with that. Hubby and I are choosing to serve the Lord other ways and now we no longer have to worry about this- praise the Lord for bringing appropriate people into our live for situations like this.

Lately I feel like I have asked a lot of people to pray for us regarding various situation. The prayers have brought us such comfort and we have felt the hand of God a long the way. This last week a I have had the privilege to pray for others in need. I am so grateful to God and honored to pray for them. Please let me know if you have a prayer request.

We would have loved to travel the week earlier but things just didn't work out. During a meeting with our agency I felt the hand of God. It was a moment of peace that came over me- I knew that God was sending us to China, but in his perfect timing not mine. It felt good to know HE was in control. Some of the burden of trying to do everything right was lifted because it was out of my hands and in his. Although we will miss seeing some incredible wonderful families we are traveling at a time that God has chosen for us. It also worked very well for Hubby and his business and his bonus came in just in time to pay for our flights and the orphanage fee. We would have been gnawing on our nails had it come this close with earlier travel dates. Thank you God for your perfect timing!

As little challenges arose I found myself missing my sweet Momma even more. I wanted to talk to her, to share and to process the events over the last couple months. God occasionally brings my parents to me in my dreams- I love it when he does that. It is so deliberate on his part and I know he orchestrates it- praise him! I got a bonus visit yesterday! Kate and I were shopping- getting ready for China and there at the store was my Mom's best friend! We hugged and chatted and talked about how much we both missed her and wanted to talk to her. My Mom was a great listener and would chat to us about things that others might find silly or uninteresting. This was again orchestrated by Him! This is not the mall near her home and she was in the G*P, not a store you would expect to find her in- it was surreal and wonderful! After parting the tears wanted to flow- I knew God held me together during our visit. Thank you Jesus for that incredibly special moment!

Are you seeing God in simple sweet things throughout your day? I hope so! Look for him, he is there!!