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Wednesday 10 June 2015

Really... huh... really?

Yesterday for the first time in a long time I was able to give God my concerns, the things that were weighing heavy on my heart. It felt good, really really good. I could feel his presence and the burden was being lifted. Today, I continued to give it to him and he willingly took it again. His peace is with me and I am so thankful for that. No TA, no CA but I have his peace and his presence to carry on!

Now, let me make it clear- God was always there, he was always ready to take it but stubborn me wouldn't give it to him. I kept it for myself and made myself miserable. I wallowed and grumbled in my personal misery for quite awhile. Until, I realized the truth- how incredibly blessing I am. We are happy, so happy, everyone is healthy, Hubby likes his job, we are close and deeply love each other. We can afford food, we have a home, we love the Lord and we love to serve him. What more could I want? What more could I possibly ask for- he will send us to China as he planned and we will meet our 2 new daughters/sisters... in his perfect time.

Well, let me just tell you - I am very thankful that the dear Lord saved me just in time because today another bomb has dropped. A year ago we had problems with our local clearances- a meter maid got mad at my husband and towed his car and had him arrested. It was pretty crazy and ridiculous but we dealt with it and it was cleared up. We just renewed our local clearance and guess what hubby's did not come back... it was sent to FB*I. Nothing has happened in the last year- nothing, so it must be this past situation, we don't know? Honestly does the opposition ever stop? Weary is one of the many words that could be used to explain my feelings. We are trying to figure out what is going on and what we are supposed to do...

TA has not arrived yet... today but they are still waiting for the mail and there is a chance it could come tomorrow. I feel like a little kid on a long car ride- "Are we there yet?"

Now I just have to share this last tidbit... I have spoke about my neighbor before. I don't like too, it just doesn't seem right but prayer warriors this family needs you, big time. The attacks from the opposition continue. Along with calling the city on us 3 times last year and threatening us lawsuits and bodily harm if we so much as care for a piece of property near her house (but is actually owned by us)- we have now found out that she is currently trying to take it over through adverse possession. Yes, I know some of you warned us, we thought she couldn't do it BUT guess what she is trying to do exactly that.

So please dear Prayer Warrior, dear bloggy friends, dear lovers of adoption and serving the Lord- please pray for us.

Please pray that hubby's local clearance gets all cleared up so we can leave for China as hoped- July 23rd.
Please pray for our TA to arrive.
Please pray for our CA on July 6th or 7th.
Please pray for my neighbor- that what ever it is that is causing her anger will subside and she will be filled with the Lord's peace.
Please pray that the Lord will protect our property.
Please pray for God's peace within me and that I give these issues to him- he knows exactly what to do with them.
Please pray for my husbands peace and timeliness in dealing with these issues.
Please pray for the Dear Lord to protect us- big things are happening in our life, things the opposition does not like and he is attacking us.

Thank you dear friends. God bless you! You are so kind!

On Thankful Thursday I am very thankful for you!