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Thursday 25 June 2015

A Name Change!

This little guy is getting a name change. We have decided not to name him Luke Benjamin (we do love that name but we decided to make a change).
It will just be the middle name we are changing- could never change the first name- there is just no way 
around it, this little guy is LUKE!!

Here are your choices and yes I need a little help!
Tell me which one you like best!
Luke William
Luke Robert
Luke Lewis

Luke's middle name will be after his foster father in China!

Let me know in the comment section which one you are leaning towards!

And since your here, reading my blog, I will tell you a little story-
A long long time ago...
excuse me!
Yes, the car had been invented!
Yes, we had TV!
Your going to far back...
 I'm thinking it was around 1994-95.
My friend said to me-
 Jean, what on earth were you thinking?
You have Matthew, Mark, and John! Why did you name your other son Billy?
The Gospel according to Billy???
What ever happened to Luke?

Well, now we know what happened to LUKE!
God had a wonderful plan and Luke was part of it!
Our sweet little boy was waiting in China for his forever family. 
Actually he wasn't born yet but God new the timing!
He knew I would stare at the picture of a boy in China named Luke and that he would speak those words to me!
"He is your son!"

(Our son Billy is actually named William. He is named after my father. He is fine with us reusing the name William as Luke's middle name.)

OH, and if you've gotten this far and your still with me- don't forget to vote on the name!!