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Saturday 13 June 2015

Not Me, Not Me... I do, I do!!

Billy decided to join us after we were already out boating so we picked him up at the dock.
I asked the children who has to go to the bathroom since one was right there and once we took off... well, there would be no bathroom!

Sarah said "Not Me"

And echoing right behind her were five others saying "not me"!

I was having a hard time believing all those "not me's"!
So I said...

Sarah has to go to the bathroom... now who else does?

And right away I heard "I do, I do, I do, I do, I do"!
Yep... that's what I thought!

We are finding that the younger 5 want to do what Sarah is doing and Sarah is tired of being copied all the time. 
Now we ask everyone else and then she gives her answer!
We are trying to have independent thinkers!

And this goes for -
what kind of cereal they want for breakfast
what clothes are they going to wear for the day
what activity they want to do when they have free time
their favorite color
where they will sit for lunch
in other words