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Sunday 28 June 2015

Inspirational Work

Working with sick kids all of the time can be really daunting at times. It makes you ask the question "Why?" alot, "How is this fair?"...but at the end of the day you cannot help but have hope and be inspired by the strength, and determination of these families and kids. They embody all that is possible in the human spirit and heart.

Jon one of the House Manager's here at Family House was telling me a story about two families that stayed here years ago. A child named Blaine Henok and her mother came over from Ethopia to seek medical treatment here at UCSF. During their stay here at Family House they grew incredibly close to another family, the Aguilar family whose son Danny was getting a liver transplant. After the girl's treatment was scheduled to end they were going to have to go back to Ethopia, but the girl needed to come back for annual followups. The Aguilars realized how hard this was going to be for her if she went all the way back to Ethopia... so they did the most selfless thing possible, and adopted the girl so she could stay in the United States, and continue to get the medical attention she needed. She now goes to school and lives with that family in Reno, Nevada.

It is stories like this one that keeps the staff here at Family House so invested in the work we do. It is what makes us wake up in the moring excited to come to work, because we know we are witnessing something truly life changing. We are witnessing the capacities of love, and the strength of the human spirit.