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Friday 18 December 2015

The Update.

To everyone following...

Im now 3 days overdue...
In the last 3 days Luke and I have had the gastro bug :( Luke was first... then me... and currently Boyd has it
:( All I have been doing these last 3 days is disinfecting, disinfecting, disinfecting and washing!!! So to be honest I just haven't had time or felt up to having a baby! I must admit the other night I prayed "please God NOT tonight"... I was just so tired and didn't know if I had the energy for labour! ...and now really isn't the right time because I need my husband by my in a few days will be fine (I cant believe I just said that) when we are all healthy and the house is bug free!!!
I have been having sporadic contractions since Friday, some even waking me up at night... So I know everything is ready to go... If nothing has happened by Monday, I'm off to the doc to make sure everything is ok... and then ill be praying I don't have a Christmas baby! But I honestly believe it wont come to that!

I must admit, I have been reading all these lovely blogs on Christmas decorating and crafts... Its all Christmas, Christmas, Christmas... Im feeling as though I haven't had the chance to embrace Christmas this year :( Its been all about the baby and getting organized and having little energy to do anything else... I wish I had the time to do all that Christmas cooking (not that anyone in our household would eat it at the moment, our tummies are recovering) and Christmas craft and decorating. I feel as though Im living day to day with a list a mile long and never really completing anything... even if I do have some unrealistic goals :) Its a funny Christmas for me this year...I have had to release control of hosting Christmas over to my mum, (even though its in my house) while I focus on baby stuff (which I am thrilled about) ... but I don't want to skip Christmas either, I don't want it to slip by without those special memories and traditions ... does all this even make sence?? Haha... this is what happens when you blog at 4am cause you cant sleep...        ANYWAY....

Its my Mother in Laws 60th Birthday today so a big...


I pray you have a blessed and special day today! And I hope you know that we wish we could be celebrating with you today!... You never know, if your lucky you might get a grandchild! Hope you like your prezzie...

So the rest of you wanna know what I got?? (prezzie) ... A beautiful digital photo frame!! I have spent hours downloading, scanning, editing photos to put onto it... All the photos I could find of Boyd as a baby, child and teenager... some of our dating, marriage and family photos and then photos of Luke!! It turned out beautifully! Hope she likes it!!

Here are a few photos of Boyd....awww....

What a cutie!!
Gotta love photos and memories!!!

So I hope you all understand why I haven't had the chance to blog or facebook these last few days... If you get the chance, please say a prayer for us. We need it! Hopefully be back soon with some great news about our new addition to the family really soon!! xo