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Monday 28 December 2015

A Very Special Christmas- Part 1- The Snowman!!

Even I went outside! This is the only pic you will see of me- I was behind the camera the rest of the time!

The doggies were thrilled to have all of outside playing! They couldn't believe their good fortune!

In all of our years of parenting we have failed snowman making! We could resist this opportunity- the snow was perfect! It was heavy and wet plus we had many strong and creative helpers!

The snowman making turned into a snowball fight which then turned into make a fort to hide in from the attackers! And for the opposing team to plan their strategy for a counter attack!

Yes, he started it along with his brothers!

Thanks guys for making memories!

Sarah loved the snowman making process with Katie!

The snow drift was very big! Sarah is standing on top of it now with the doggy!

Working on the fort!

I think we can make this fit!

The finished product!! Katie and Frosty!

For some reason my camera did not download all the pics so there will be a part 2 to this post!

Hubby and I have not been enjoying the cold weather lately. We know with little children we are going to have to embrace it and have fun! With all the kids at home we had an absolute blast outside! It was about 30 degrees out - so comfortable. In fact too comfortable for Frosty! He quickly started leaning over and then took a spill- sorry no pic of that!

As a Mom I especially enjoyed having all the kids home. It is becoming more and more obvious that this will not continue for long. I am excited to add new family members in the future (not talking about adoption this time) but along with that comes sharing our children. I am committed to being "cool" about it. I don't want to hog the kids, be overly demanding or cause them unnecessary stress on the young couples. Just so you know there is nothing in the works- I am figuring that it is probably around the corner and it will probably affect us by next Christmas.

Thank you Jesus for this time with our big kids and little kids! Next year two more special girls will experience their first Christmas with their new family - now that is something to look forward too!

Part 2 coming soon- the snowball fight!