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Sunday 20 December 2015


There is no point sitting around waiting for this baby to arrive so on Sunday night (4 days over due) we went to 'Carols in the Cool' Hosted by Kingdom City. They have Carols by candlelight inside (battery operated candles) because the last few years it has been too hot outside...this year... it was RAINING outside...still a good reason to have it inside!! WEIRD WEATHER!!!!

Luke was a crack up! They asked the year ones and two to come up on the stage to perform 'Away in the Manger' and off goes Luke to join in!! Front and Centre, he pretends he is singing and everything...loving the 500 odd people looking at him!! He gave us a wave....made sure we were watching and when it was all over came back and sat down like he had rehearsed it a million times..hahaha... (I said to mum it was the Natasha Lay coming out in him)

We had such a good time.. Luke sang and danced and loved having some other kids to play with!
We bought our picnic dinner, that all the kids pigged out on and I must say, the carols were very groovy...They put great entertainment, and we had some good laughs!

Lukes best friends Emily and Loc! They are GORGEOUS!!


Today we did some last minute Christmas shopping and I'm glad to say, I have completely finished my gift buying and wrapping!!! YAY!! We had our hopefully last afternoon tea as a family of 3... Luke loves his 'Cup of tea' when we go out (its a baby chino)... It ends up all over his face, but you know he enjoys it :)

My cheeky boys!
Well I wish I were blogging some cool Christmas ideas... I have lots floating around in my head... but your going to have to wait until next year... The way its going, I may end up being in hospital Christmas day... HOPEFULLY NOT... but we will wait and see... Praying I can be home with all my boys and my beautiful mum and grand parents for a roast lunch and get to watch Luke open all his prezzies from under the tree...
Keep us in your prayers and thoughts! All my love on this joyous season! xo