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Friday 18 December 2015

Thankful Thursday... a titch late!

You know I am expecting! I could have parked here... even though I am 51 and it would take a miracle from God for me to have a baby in my belly. Not only that, I have small children, too!
We didn't park there but the point is we could have! I am thankful that God blessed this young at heart couple with more children! Four more that is... so far!

 I am so thankful for running water- in our main floor bathroom that is! We have one bathroom on the main floor and 2 plus months ago the faucet started leaking big time. So we had to shut the water off that leads to the sink. With this family that is a bit of a hardship. Let's just say the kitchen sink was used for more things than it should have been used for! With a little person in the house that prefers the little potty over the big potty it made it even more challenging! 

The faucet was deemed non-repairable and the warped wooden top needed to go, too. Bummer- I had no idea when we would find the time to do this but we called in a friend/decorator and yippee- it was finished on Thursday- thankful Thursday that is! Now we are all set for the Christmas holiday!

I have many mixed emotions during this season. I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart but during this time with so many things to do I don't feel as close to him as I do at other times. It bothers be how commercial this holiday is and how I get sucked into it. I try to fight it and we make our priorities but there are so many added stresses and expectations that are hard to manage it all.

That being said I am now going to focus on the more positive aspects of the season! We have had a blast doing fun things with the kids! It is such a joy to see this holiday through a child's eyes! I am so thankful that the dear Lord moved our hearts to adopt!

I am thankful that once again decorating the tree, baking, making a gingerbread house, visiting dwtn Macy's, watching a Christmas special, did I mention baking, decorating the house inside and out is fun again!!

I am thankful that our Heavenly Father loved us so much that he sent his only Son to be our Saviour. Thank you Jesus!