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Monday 28 December 2015

If one more person says to me...

Your really gonna be busy with 4 little girls, I think I will have to scream! Excuse me I have already raised 5 very active children. I have handled the holidays for 28 years. I have worked outside the home for 9 of those years. I have been with my parents as they died and my husband has been with his parents as they died. Although we were not the number one caretaker as they were ill we grieved their loss heavily. I have moved with my husband 6 times and some of them were out of necessity not out of desire. In my 51 years I have experience a lot.

I can do this- and if I didn't have this attitude- I would have given up on everything long ago.

Yes, I am sure I can handle this and with the Lord's help- actually, I am positive I can!

Will a few things change? Yes, they will. Maybe some people will get a few less presents at Christmas time, maybe I won't be able to have an extended family Christmas, maybe I won't be able to send out Christmas cards, maybe I won't be able to attend some gatherings with friends, maybe we will have to take 2 cars to church or to an event, maybe some of our current family members may have to cut back on their activities, maybe I won't be able to return some phone calls, maybe I won't get to travel as much as I had hoped.

Guess what else might change- 2 little girls will now have a family. They will have a Mommy and a Daddy for the first time in their lives. They will have love, food, a home, many opportunities, an education, and a future to look forward too. Excuse me but I happen to think that it is well worth the price I/we will have to pay... for their life.

Guess what - I'm planning to adopt again after this! Why? Why else? BECAUSE THERE ARE CHILDREN OUT THERE THAT NEED A HOME! Why aren't you adopting?

Will I be busy? Yes, I will be busy. We will make the necessary changes, adjust our life and move on!

Are you busy now? I am sure you are. We all perceive ourselves as busy. Are you too busy to save a life? Are you too busy to love a child? Are you too busy to give a child a home? How can your heart say no to all the above. Mine can't, I don't want it too. I hear the calling, do you?

Matthew 21:21
I tell you the truth, if you have faith and don't doubt, you can do things like this and much more.

If someone is genuinely concerned about me please-
Ask me how you can help, if you'd like!
Uplift us in prayer!
Say encouraging words to us!
Share your Christian faith with us!

Do not project your own personal concerns onto us.

Yes, families that adopt are doing something out of the ordinary. Yes, families that adopt multiple times or sibling groups are doing something out or the ordinary. Uplift them, encourage them, support them, don't drag them down. We/they are not amazing, they are not special, they are not doing something that you cannot do. We/ they have bad days and good days. All they are doing is simply trying to serve the Lord, love the Lord and listen to the LORD - who is by the way our adoptive Father.