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Saturday 26 December 2015

Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Pictures!

It started off great seeing 3 large deer in the back yard!

Second Best Moment: going to church on Christmas Eve- relaxed, no rushing, got their early enough to get great seats. Everyone was there except Matt and Caitlin.

Funniest Moment:
 After church Anna came running through the kitchen to the bathroom. 5 minutes later she came out wearing... nothing and holding her dress, tights and underwear saying "Here, they're all wet". 

Best Gift from little girls: They made ornaments with Karen. Their pictures were in each one!

They were so proud of themselves! 

Yes... Johnny did wear this. he got it at goodwill.

Girls opening their first gift! It was from Katie and Devan.

Billy get back his Batman VHS video from when he was a little kid!

Christmas morning!

Buried in presents!

Ready to open her first gift!

The girls were very excited!

Oh Yes! And so was Mark!

Happy with her bitty baby!

Emma soaked in the experience! 

Thank you for coming all the way from Colorado!

Yes, we ate candy for breakfast! (we had brunch after gift opening)

Love the smile!

Sorry Katie I may have told you I wasn't going to post this pic- oops!

Just what he wanted!


Bitty baby twins! Now we need to read that book so we can get ready to share with Ava and Sam!

Loved the family time together! Opening gifts, hanging out and relaxing!

Another great choice! 1990 starter jacket from eb*y!

Except one problem- his brother really likes it! 

Bitty babies go skiing!

Relaxing after brunch!

Watching a movie downstairs!

Our Colorado boys!
They are living less than a mile apart!


Watching a strawberry shortcake movie!

Visiting before dinner!

Sarah and Emma!

Merry Christmas dear girl!

So thankful for this big girl! She is so much fun!

We had to take the posed pics- wouldn't be Christmas without me driving everyone crazy with my camera!

All the younger girls! The boys declined a pic. I won't let them do that next year when Sam is here!

Our family... for now!

 Best Part of the Holiday- the whole family was together! It was such a blessing!

All the kids... for now! Yes Johnny is attempting to give Anna bunny ears! Oh yes- he did put on a sweater to look nice for the pics but I forgot he still had his shorts on!

Thank You Jesus for an awesome Christmas!