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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Input Please!

I would love your input! 

Things are going amazingly well with 6 new children in 4 years!
I am seriously down on my knees thankful for God's blessings!

I sometimes feel like I am living one of his many miracles!
To think that love, prayer, family and health care could do so much for a child is completely beyond me!
I wish that others who have not considered adoption would go down this amazing road!
It is nothing short of a miracle!

My question is about this little cutie in the picture- our Anna.
She is independent and often chooses to separate herself from the group.
She was our first child to come home and often thinks she is one of the birth children (which is kind of good in a way). She has no memories of China, she cannot speak Chinese and does not like rice. But she does have anxiety(cleft L/P) - to doctors, to being with people she does not know and is easily scared.
She did great in preschool and does wonderful with our babysitter!

We had one birth child that we always thought was meant to be in a small family but he ended up adjusting extremely well to this extra large family! He is able to hyperfocus and read as we are all around him. He comes and goes as he wants to and he has a ton of friends but only socializes as he chooses!
That is our Billy! Okay he is all grown up- you can call him Bill!

Anna is extremely smart, she has trouble sitting still but can work on a puzzle or project to completion- so maybe she is just bored with my school ;-)...

Since Ava and Sam have come home we have seen more whining, pushing the limits and refusal to cooperate. She wants to be held a lot. She can play well with Ava and Sam BUT seems to have a hard time when all the kids are together playing. She is bossy and need some work on her people skills at home although she did well at preschool. 
She is not a follower and probably doesn't want to follow the crowd. Whereas the others can easily follow the group- not necessarily a good thing... unless you have a positive leader! 

She is impatient with Emma who has a severe cognitive disability- we are trying to teach her tenderness and understanding but right now that is not at the top of her list.

Do you have any thoughts on -  
How we can help Anna with her social/family skills?
How we should handle her frequent whining or crying?
To feel more secure?
Allow her time away from her sibs?
Do you have a similar situation?
What are you doing for your child?

Thank you so much!!