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Friday 22 May 2015


On Saturday I did the wedding flowers for a family friend of mine... and boy was it a big job... but I had sooo much fun doing it!!! Im not a florist but ran a wedding business in Geraldton for a few years so I have had my fair share of flower arrangements. I don't find it stressing at all, quite the opposite really. I zone out, and relax. I am really content working with my hands and being creative.
I had ordered over 2000 flowers a few months ago and they arrived on Wednesday. My house was full of gorgeous, roses, lilies and orchids. The smell amazing!!...
I notice on Wednesday that Luke wasn't feeling well, coughing and weezey... but by Thursday, I had booked an appointment at the doc. Only getting 3 hours sleep the night before. Luke was breathing quickly, couldnt get off the lounge and even needed help just to sit up. It was really quiet scary. At 11am I thought, I should just take him to the hospital, but I always think I over I just waited for our appointment at 3... Got to the doc, she took look one look at him and said "Lets take him to the nurses station". Gave him a dose of steroids and a nebulizer... then continued to say, we needed to go straight up the the paediatric ward at the hospital, that Luke will be in over night because there is serious problems with his breathing... I freaked out!
After seeing many doctors and asked many questions and luke having many tests... we find out he is allergic to POLLEN! ...and apart of the reaction was asthma! ...and we had a house full to the brim of pollen!! WHOOPS!!! I felt terrible, but least I know now!!
So we had a sleep over at some friends house, because Luke couldn't go home until all the flowers had gone and I set to work to finish them all as quickly as possible.

1 Bridal Bouquet
3 Bridesmaids Bouquets
15 Corsages
3 Flower girls baskets
1 Bridal Table centrepiece
26 Floral Centrepieces!

I got them done...and they look incredible!
The colours were beautiful!
Photos really don't do them justice! 

Bridal Bouquet

Love the pearls weaved through it.

3 Flower girl baskets.

The table centrepieces.

The reception was held at the Perth Convention Centre.
Here is the room.

...the room had the most gorgeous view of the river!

The beautiful 5 tired wedding cake!

Bridal Table centrepiece.

I cant believe that I forgot to take my camera that night to get a photo of the bride... So I will blog again about the gorgeous couple that got married on this beautiful day!!

Congrats Bek and Adam!! xx