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Saturday 9 May 2015

Mother's Day 1987 and 2011!

This is a picture of Matt, Katie and me on Mother's day! My Mom took the picture! We were at Mother's Day brunch with my parents! The year was 1987!

Fast forward 24 yrs later! Matt is in Colorado, Katie is in a pic below, Billy was home BUT didn't make it in a pic (sorry honey), Mark is in Colorado and JOhnny is with us along with his 6 new siblings!

I am definitely feeling loved!!

We went to church Saturday evening and had a brunch Sunday morning.
Sam's colostomy bag was leaking during church so you can guess what I was praying about! Oh Lord, please help us to be able to stay in Church! Good news we made it through the service! Once home he had a bath and a brand new set up!! ;-)

These two are having fun! They take baths together to help the bonding! It is a little challenging since one speaks fluent Chinese and the other is fluent English but tub play breaks the barrier! Plus coordinating outfits help, too!

The kids helped me open gifts! They were so excited for today and said to me over and over again "Happy Mother's Day"!

In the evening we went to Johnny's soccer game- they won!

Thank you Jesus for making me a Mother over and over again!

We had a great day and my heart is bursting with Thankfulness!