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Thursday 28 May 2015

Melissa and Madeline In Their Glasses and Patches!

The girls got their glasses and visually-
 it has opened up a whole new world!

The first day their eyes got tired and it was an adjustment.

they quickly got used to seeing better!

It was an exciting day!

The next day we began patching.

They are troopers and do not complain!
They didn't like it when I took off the patch so now I have them take it off.
Works much better and they are in control.

The other children have been so kind and helpful when the girls have their patches on!

Madeline has to return to the Dr in one month so we are trying to patch their right eye as much as possible!
So far we are getting in 6 -7 hours per day!
We want that left eye to regain some of it's sight and retrain her brain to use it!

She will most likely need cataract surgery on it soon.
They will remove her lens and she will wear a protective contact and glasses.

I think they can already see better out of their left eye but maybe it's too early, I don't know?

They seems to manage very well with only one eye!

We even went on a walk and played at the playground yesterday!

Thank you for all your comments and words of wisdom- it was so helpful!

We are getting a second pair of plastic glasses for gymnastics and rough play!