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Saturday 23 May 2015

Who is included in "WE"?

Oh man, I am so sorry! Where the heck have I been? This has been my longest span of not blogging. I have missed you all and my blogging hobby (or should I say addiction). 

Anyway, Hubby and I have been mulling over some thoughts, a new direction, maybe a new calling- we are just in the talking phase. It is regarding our next adoption. WE thought we had it all together- WE thought WE new exactly what WE were doing and what WE wanted BUT one problem... the WE included Hubby and I BUT not God. Major oops!

One thing I know- I do not want to do anything without God. So we are backing up a few steps and doing some major praying and I have even thought about some fasting- which scares the daylights out of me but now that I said this I should probably at least try it. Are there any takers- that want to fast with me? Maybe we can pool a few needed prayers and petition for each other. Oh my, this is scarey! Help me Lori! Help Linny if you can!

I mentioned to hubby about fasting. He said "Well, I think others should join me!" 
You know I think this guy is the funniest guy around. Its a good thing I do because he loves that!
He responded this way because the dear guy hardly eats anything all day long just to maintain his weight at a healthy level. Me, on the other hand - yes, bless my heart I am pretty sure I am one of those hypoglycemic people. I get weak just talking about not eating. But - I am going to try this because I cannot be afraid of the unknown- God will be with me!

One time a friend who lost her husband to cancer said to me "I never plan too far ahead". I think that is very wise. 
If I plan too far ahead-
I will miss living in the present,
I may miss what God has planned for me because I have already made my plan,
I miss the excitement and joy of seeing God's plan unfold,
I am not really giving God control- I am trying to control God.