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Tuesday 12 May 2015

Mixed Feelings

Although I am very thankful to Ch*na for the incredible girls that are now our daughters but I have to say I have very mixed feeling about Ch*na. When I am there I love it, I love the people, their friendliness and smiles, their well meaning ways and the rich history. 

When I am home and I realize that these two wonderful little girls have never had a Momma or a Daddy, my heart aches. When my little 3 yr old takes a wagon ride and looks back at her mommy and cries out "Momma, Momma" I know she is crying out from past hurts and not because she is going a half block a way from me. When my sweet 9 yr old spends the evening at a neighbors home and then the evening ends in sobbing for the friends she left behind in China- I know something is not right. Maybe it is the fact that this incredibly resilient little girl spent 8.5 yrs in an orphanage... no foster family... no Mommy or Daddy, no heat in her home/ orphanage, same food everyday, no parents to care about her school work, corporeal punishment in school, no one to be there when she gets hurt or to watch her as she grows and well, the list could go on.

It is not okay to put off adoptions for whatever reason... while these children get older and older. It is not okay to wait until they are 5, 8, or 13 for them to have a family.  There are so many families just waiting for a child and their are so many children waiting for families. Why on earth would is there a 3-5 yr wait for adoptions- it is not fair, it is not right, they deserve better.

I really never speak my mind but I couldn't help myself after hugging a 9 yr old for 2 hours as she fell asleep.

I am grateful that these two precious girls are our daughters but at the same time I feel guilty for even being grateful- they should have never had to go through all of this...

My heart aches for them and for the other millions of children who have been put in this situation. It is not only Ch*na but many other countries, maybe even our own beloved America. How can this be... how can this happen?