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Sunday 24 May 2015

It's My...

Birthday! Yep, tomorrow the 25th is the big day! I'm (gulp) 52 yrs old, but I feel like I'm 30! Really, I can't believe I am fifty whatever... I feel so young and happy!

My hubby (did I mention how much I love that guy?) keeps sayin to me I wish I were 52 (he's 53)!

Seriously, we feel very young! Age is not going to stop us... we are bringing home the girls and then... well... we'll talk about it later.

I gotta be honest... I am posting that it's my birthday because I want a whole bunch of you to wish me a Happy Birthday. I know... it's lame but it's the truth. It would just make my day! Don't forget it was me that posted the post regarding no friends- no local friends that is... Ha- bloggy friends? Oh yea, that I have! Bloggy friends unite! Woo Hoo!

Thanks guys! for makin my day!! wink wink!