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Tuesday 26 May 2015

A Wonderful Birthday!

First things first-
 Today is memorial day, a day to remember and honor our fallen soldiers.
A day to pray for their family left behind.
A day to honor and pray for those that are serving our country.
My father served in World War II and hubby's father served in the Korean war. Both were blessed to come home to their families. I can't imagine the pain of losing a loved one and yet I can't think of a more honorable way to pass onto our Heavenly Father, serving their country and protecting their loved ones.
May God Bless our soldiers and their families.

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a delightful day!

It started out sunny and beautiful!
The clouds rolled in later in the afternoon but that was just fine with us- our A/C is not working so we were fine with taking a break from the hot sun!
We had brunch at home (went to church on Saturday eve) and then went to our club pool!
The children loved swimming!
So glad the season has begun!

In the evening we had the big kids over for dinner!

Everyone worked together and I didn't have to do anything- 
what a treat it was for me!

So relaxing and joyful!

The children made lots of cards and pictures for me!
It was truly heart warming!

They are just so excited to show us what they have made!
What more do I need?
So blessed!

 Sweet Mia- 12 yrs old but still such a child!
She is experiencing so many new things and loving every minute of it!
Older child adoptions are/can be more challenging and Mia is making wonderful progress each day!

Ben and Sam have such sweet hearts for their Momma!
So thankful!

I got poems, drawings, cards and more!

And a nice coffee mug from my big boy Billy!
He is so thoughtful!

The girls cut up all the fruit for the fruit fruit salad as we call it at our house!

And Melissa cut the bananas!
Emma and Ellie were also huge helpers!

The big boys and their Momma!

We g-chatted with Katie, Andrew and Emily in the morning!
Emily can hold her head up now and is smiling sometimes!
He eyes are wide open and she is alert and noticing her surroundings!
She weighs over 10 lbs now!
Best of all, they are heading back to the states on June 3rd- praising GOD!!

Matt and Caitlin called and texted too!
Plus many other kind friends wished me a Happy Birthday- so thoughtful and it made my day!

These two played a game!
New rules = their rules!

Cake time!
We waited for Billy but he was "busy doing his business"!

So we proceeded without him!
Yes, we waited awhile and it was the kids bedtime so they went ahead and sang "Happy Birthday" without him.

Then he appeared!
Blushing a little!
Obviously, there is no privacy in this family!

Final photo!
Thanks Honey, for being the photographer!

Enjoying their cake and ice cream!

Feeling very blessed!
Thanks everyone for the great birthday!