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Friday 29 May 2015

Volunteer Spotlight: Alina Spring

Family House has a staff of just 11 employees, and could not provide the services we do with the support of amazing volunteers. The heart and soul of Family House is the Operations team, who work directly with families and maintain both buildings. Operations volunteers, such as Alina Spring, are key in helping the staff with house projects. Alina is a USF Psychology Practicum student who volunteered for 100 hours this semester. She helped  on a day-to-day basis with house projects, including daily laundry and assisting to manage volunteer groups. She was instrumental in helping complete projects that make the house functional  at our 24-room location. 

When Alina is not volunteering or working on school work, she enjoys bike riding, figure skating, hanging out with friends and listening to music. Born in Germany, Alina also speaks German, and understands cultural diversity - which is very helpful when working with families at Family House.

Alina, thank you for your willingness to take on any project and always with a smile on your face!

Thank you so much for your support at Family House!

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