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Friday 29 May 2015

Bursting at the Seams (with excitement)!

Oh, I am so bad. I cannot keep a secret especially when it is this exciting BUT I CAN'T tell you about it either. Not yet, it's not the right time, I need to wait until it is official. When it is official I will be shouting from the mountain tops! Right now we have a few hurdles to get past and a bit of homework to do.

FYI- I think it is pretty cool that God heard our prayers when we fasted. He gave us answers- they surprised me, I wasn't expecting them so quickly and the feeling of certainty that came with it. Have I told you how cool our God is! The prayers of our group continue- we kind of shared something special. I am eager to follow along and see God work in all our lives! Hey gang, please keep us all updated!

Okay back to the secret that I can't tell you. It may involve beautiful brown asian eyes? It may have something to do with an incredible smile that you can't seem to forget- but again I am not telling you anything. Not a word from me, my lips are sealed!

If you get a chance please include us in your prayers- like I said there are a few obstacles, a few bumps in the road but nothing that our awesome mountain moving God cannot handle!!

For adorable pics of a fun FCC outing please visit "the princess diaries"