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Monday 18 May 2015


One of connect groups at church is beginning a new community project next week... making dolls for the pediatric ward at our local hospital!!! AWESOME HEY!!! So I was asked to get on board and help create some patterns and dolls to help people get the group started... I jumped on the idea!! I'M IN!!! Not only is it a great idea but it also holds a special place in my heart. When Luke had his accident and we were in hospital, the nurse came around with a BIG basket of beautiful handmade teddies and dolls. Luke could choose one and it was his to keep. Kids love that 'little friend' or 'comforter'. And it usually becomes something the child becomes attached to during their time in hospital.

Most of us are so blessed to be healthy and comfortable. But lets not forget about those who are struggling and lonely. How easy would it be to get a group of friends together to help out the community in some way!!

A need I have seen in the hospitals is a 'hygiene pack' for mums or carers of the kids in hospital. For instance, in our situation, the ambulance was called and I dropped everything to be with Luke. Obviously not knowing what the next week held in store... I didn't pack a tooth brush, or a hair brush, or a flannel to wash my face... I have heard on numerous occasions of mums sitting next to their child for days on end without brushing their teeth, brushing their hair or having a wash. Simply because their was nothing available at the hospital... with a choice of staying with your baby or leaving the child to buy the these things or to nick home for a shower, I know MOST mums don't want to leave their babies side.... So girls, why not get together, raise some money, buy some travel pack deodorant, shampoos, conditions, hair brushes, toothbrushes, soap, flannels and anything else you can think mums in this situation might need. Make up some packs, put an encouraging scripture in there. Give these mum's some hope....and drop them off to your local hospital, or to P.M.H. for mums who have traveled from the country. HOW EASY!!! You could do this!! You can help!! Be a blessing!

You reap what you sow. Lets get off our bums, make our coffee catch-ups have some meaning and do something for others in our community who are hurting, lonely, struggling. Give purpose to what you are good at!!

Photography - go meet up with some teen girls in the foster care system and give them a photo shoot for free!
Hospitality - Take some morning tea into a special needs school, to bless the teachers!
Florist - Give a big bouquet of flowers to a single mum who is doing it tough.
Sewing - Make some dolls or clips or clothes and take them to a community foster house.
Hairdresser - Go to your local school and ask the teachers for a girl who is in great need and do their hair for the ball!
Listener - visit a old peoples home and listen to their stories.

There is soooooooooooo much we can do in our local community!! It doesn't have to cost money. just a bit of time and love....
Let me know what you come up with.... now put that thought into action!!

Here are my dolls :)