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Monday 18 May 2015


The groceries have arrived!!

It is as exciting as a birthday party!!

One of the ways we make "life work" is we have our groceries delivered!

I have so many wonderful helpers unpacking the groceries! Many hands make light work! Of course this also could mean the deli meats end up in the freezer and the ice cream is in the pantry!

Yes, processed, prepackaged food! Sorry IF I have let you down!

I did get fruits and veggies but they didn't make it in the pics!

There was a time in our lives when groceries where hard to come by... it was a very challenging time. I think I appreciate them and am as excited as the kids!!

The kids go on and on when they arrive! "Thank you Momma, Thank you!"

Not exactly an energy efficient way to unpack as far as the electricity! BUT it was a very energy efficient way to unpack for me!!

Oh, the joys of parenting this crew!
Such a huge smile over orange juice!
Thank you Jesus!