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Tuesday 19 May 2015

Glasses, Patches, Surgery and more

Melissa and Madeline went to the eye Dr last week.

I figured they both may need glasses from what the Drs said in China.
"both had a weak left eye" and should be seen by the eye DR once we were home.
Of course I kinda hoped they were wrong.

The pediatrician did a very basic eye exam and they both did okay. I did not get a sense of urgency from the pediatricians office.
We made our eye appts but twice something came up and we rescheduled.

Down deep I felt like something was quite right. Both girls would hold the heads in different positions and look out from under their eyelids or from the side of their eyes- like a focusing issue.
I also wondered if Madeline had a roaming eye or a bit of strabismus. She has trouble directing her eyes on people when they are speaking to her (I also wondered if that was deliberate and if she was being a bit belligerent during those times).

Last week we finally had our appt and we got some unexpected news.

Melissa is ver very farsighted and she will need glasses. She also has a classic weak eye and will need to retain her brain to strengthen it. If she is in fact 7 yrs old they are hopeful she will have some positive results. I guess once the child get older the chances to strengthen a weak eye are less.
So she will be wearing a patch for 3-5 hours or more hours per day...

Madeline's right eye is pretty good but her left eye has a large cloudy cataract over the lens.
We don't know why or how it happened.
She can barely see at all out of her left eye.
Poor dear...
it really made my heart sad for her.

She is such a darling child but she has to put up with-
  a large hole in her right ear drum, major speech issues, all 4 quadrants of her mouth were filled with cavities/abscessed teeth and she now has a cataract (that will have to removed at some point- maybe sooner rather than later). 

And I wonder why she is not learning as fast as the other children?
I wonder no more...

Madeline will also be getting glasses and patching her left eye.
Please pray that the patching will be successful and the sight in her left eye will improve significantly.

At this point the Dr said that if it does not improve she will basically only have one functioning eye.
We go back in a month with Madeline and see if we have made any progress. At that point they will talk to us about the surgical options.

(Melissa wearing my glasses!)

The DR said that when you patch a child's eye they get very subdued and depressed like. They may cry the first couple times. He recommended doing something low key and fun like- TV time, iPad and snack.

Please pray with us for both of the girls vision.

I would love to hear from others that have managed the eye patching and glasses for their young kiddos.
This is all new to us!
Out of 16 children, none of them have worn glasses until now.