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Friday 1 May 2015

Busy Week

Mom and Daughter- wait a second that's my little girl with Lori!

Johnny and Mark... Hold it! My blog is being invaded! That's Nick and Brenden!

My little organizer!!

Oh My- it has been busy around here! I have had a post for True Story Tuesday, Wordless Wednesday and Thankful Thursday but I never had time to write them! I am so sorry I haven't been out and about on others blogs- I'll make up for it this weekend!! I actually really missed my blog time but I was doing other important stuff! (I think or maybe it was just stuff- I can't even remember what I've been doing?)

Last night Johnny had a soccer game on the other end of town. We drove an hour there and it was freezing outside-with a 30 mph wind. Anna let us know right away she wanted back in the car! The game went into double over time and then a shoot out. They went through 11 shooters each and then finally declared a winner- it was our team- yippee!! The poor girls where in the car the whole time- with me. They were hungry, bored- we tried to watch movies, sing songs and eat snacks. It was a long night but we do enjoy supporting Johnny in the things he loves to do.

After the game he got in the car and right away said "Mom, you don't have to worry about me loving Jesus. I prayed through the whole shoot out, I couldn't even watch." Hey- I'll take him loving Jesus anyway I can get it! Even if he is praying just for a win! I told him right away I'd be blogging about this- he said that's fine but you need to post cool soccer pics of me, not me hanging  out with my sisters. So this summer we will be posting cool soccer pics! Kind of like the cool basketball pics we saw from Lori's blog this winter! You also have to check out 
Vickie's blog- their story is incredible! If you want to read the funniest story ever go to 
Sally's blog - it's the post about homemade dog food!

I have no pics to go with this post - so sorry- I may put up random ones! And I did!