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Sunday 6 September 2015

Momma's and Their Babies...

Our time with Katie and Emily was beyond wonderful!
It is such a joy to see them!
We are so thankful they are in the USA now!

Emily is working on sitting up!
It looks like we are going to need to work on our core muscles!
You and me both, baby!

The children are in awe of Emily!

They just can't take their eyes off her…

I have to be honest…
they closely watch Katie and how she interacts and cares for Emily.
They learn through watching…
the also grieve for the love, the care and the TLC that they did not get as a baby.
Some of the kids are very verbal about it while others are quiet and seem to be processing it all in their head.

Especially Sarah and Mia…
It takes them a few hours to days to warm up and want to be part of the excitement.
My natural inclination is to protect them- don't talk about it and don't think about it…
 but it is best for them to see how parents love and teach their babies.
I reassure them how loved they were and are!

They seldom bring up their birth parents but after talking to a friend we(Hubby and I) have decided to be more proactive in discussing their past.

I would have thought if they don't talk about- then we won't bring it up
it has been brought to my attention that ALL adopted children/ teens/ young adults at some point will have to deal with the issues of abandonment.

In the beginning I didn't feel we were secure enough in our relationship to discuss it in depth.
And I mean me as well as them...

But we all have come a long way and we are secure and we are ready to discuss some of the hard topics.
I wish I had answers for them, but I don't.

We have reassurance, we have love, we have prayer and we have hope that each one will be able to work through their thoughts and concerns in a healthy way.

There is nothing like a Momma and her baby!
Whether it's through adoption or through birth…

It's just a beautiful thing no matter which way it happens!

It helped Sarah to be able to hold Emily and to be part of helping her instead of watching from the sidelines…

So thankful for this precious young family!