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Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Game is still on...

So here we are in the middle of a monsoon and the soccer game is still on. We've had 3 inches of rain so far. It's letting up a little but the sky is heavy and grey- I'm telling you there is more to come.

Cancel the darn game and let this Momma stay home! 

We are scheduled to work in the concessions so we both have to be there- Who on earth made that concession schedule- oh ya, it was me! I should have looked further ahead into the monthly weather report when I did that!

After all what about the players, they are going to get so wet and cold, they may get sick or slip and get hurt. What are they thinking??  

In the good ole days (last year) the game would have been cancelled due to rain but now our school is the proud owner of "turf". Yes, I said turf and we are all supposedly so excited about it! yippee yippee...

I'm wantin the grass back right now!